
anyone here have a Carvin SH550? reviews?


Senior Member
so my inlaws came to visit post-christmas, and gave me a nice chunk of change, so I've been toying with the idea of getting a semi-hollow electric to mess around with jazz/blues stuff for a bit of a change from my solid-electrics. Anyone here own or played a Carvin SH550? I kind of have my heart set on a set-neck guitar, that's why I'm not wanting to build a W right now (besides, I'm also saving up to build a W LP goldtop next summer)


thebutcher85 said:
so my inlaws came to visit post-christmas, and gave me a nice chunk of change, so I've been toying with the idea of getting a semi-hollow electric to mess around with jazz/blues stuff for a bit of a change from my solid-electrics. Anyone here own or played a Carvin SH550? I kind of have my heart set on a set-neck guitar, that's why I'm not wanting to build a W right now (besides, I'm also saving up to build a W LP goldtop next summer)



I don't have one, but I can state categorically that Carvin's build quality is topnotch for mass-produced, factory-built guitars.  Plus they do really nice finishes. 
I have a Carvin CS6 & an ST300 & they're the best built guitars I have ever played.

I was so impressed after receiving my ST300 that I ordered an SH645. I was torn between the SH550 & the SH645 but I wanted a double cutway 335 type guitar.

You can't go wrong with a Carvin & if you don't like it, they offer a full refund withing 14 days.

Carvin CS6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFJIK3uOMgg&list=UUu13HUbzc7upyCRJcSg0pJQ&index=7&feature=plcp

Carvin ST300: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psA2DMH6RG8&list=UUu13HUbzc7upyCRJcSg0pJQ&index=2&feature=plcp