Another member here, Hannaugh, built a purple Strat, but it was over curly rather than quilted maple...
It appears they dyed it black, sanded it back, then dyed it purple, then fogged in the edges w/ black, then covered the whole thing in clear. It's a fairly common technique for bringing out the grain detail. Incidentally, that's a canary neck, in case you're interested. Warmoth doesn't list them on the "builder" pages anymore, but you can get it if you call. Also, she's since replaced those eyesore knobs.
Agile makes some fine guitars for remarkably little money. I've got one here, two of my brothers have one in their collections, and they're all just incredible. I'd put my AL-3000 up against any Les Paul Custom from Gibson, and there's an order of magnitude less money involved. I don't know how Gibson gets away with it.
I'm not a big fan of TOM bridges, but there's nothing tricky about their installation. If an average guitar tech couldn't do it, he'd be below average, and certainly no luthier would have any trouble with it.
Red Metalflake vs. Purple Dye is a matter of taste; that's up to you.
I have no experience with Bare Knuckles Nailbombs, so I can't say anything about them.
Arrowhead headstocks look nice on some guitars, less so on others. Again, it's a matter of taste. But, think symmetry.