
All about Iceman Projects

My upcoming iceman project will be the best guitar I can get for the littles cost.
Heres whats going into it.

-Alder Iceman body with either Swirl or White finish.
-Jackson style 24 fret neck with sharktooth or vine inlays
-Floyd Rose trem
- guitar heads hexbuckers
-coil split layout
-Locking nut
-N-tune onboard tuner
-all other hardware i will use from my ibanez Gax30 (i dont care how much it costs but this guitar screams!)

Tell me what you think?
this guitar build is probably the cheapest one ive done. it'll be about $500 when im done (most of the parts my music store owner just gave me?)

P.S. the neck im getting is from Eden guitars about $50
i think an iceman with an exotic top would be amazing... just with the unusual shape and all. and binding of course  :icon_biggrin:
Here's an Iceman baritone recently completed:  http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=8545.0
:headbang1: NECROPOST!!!

so. I am considering an Iceman Project. and I just wanted to get my idea's down on cyberpaper. and hopefully have them judged by others.

Left handed mahogany Iceman body,
Alpine white with black binding.
24 fret reposition
2 humbucker set-up. (thinking about those bareknuckle NailBombs, they sound AMAZING)
TOM bridge, angled thru body strings.
I have NO clue as to what jack routing I need.
Strat neck pocket with 720 mod.
contured heel.

and... I really have no idea what kind of neck I want to go with. I'm JUST starting to research this stuff. this body seems to be tricky to match a Warmoth headstock to...

thats is for now... Please be gentle!
I'm honestly still up in the air about whether a Warmoth is right for me... I know doing the electronic's is no worry, but... woodwork makes me nervous!
AGWAN said:
I'm honestly still up in the air about whether a Warmoth is right for me... I know doing the electronic's is no worry, but... woodwork makes me nervous!
I'm probably stating the obvious but that's the whole point: Warmoth does all the difficult woodworking for you. If you're nervous about drilling a couple of holes then practise that on a piece of wood but that's basically all there is to it.
No you're fine!

my only real fear is installing the neck, and setting all that up.  and if  they do EVERYTHING for me... than what was the point? ya know?
i think you'll be alright as long as you do your research first. the biggest thing is matching the neck's scale length and the position of the bridge. then you could pretty much do whatever you want with the body. that is if you were planning on making your own neck or something. i personally think a warmoth headstock looks awesome on pretty much everything! plus it's an angled headstock, so no ugly string trees.

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So...  this is as far as i have gotten this time. and this time i went a bit far out... but as I plan to build what I buy in stages...

just how bright is Purple quilt? in the builder its pretty loud and thats really what I'm going for!

I've heard some people tell me they don't particularly favor Warmoths choice for placing both the Humbuckers and the bridge. So now I'm thinking I order it blank, have my Guitar-thier install a TOM stringthru and a Bridge Humbucker (with plans for the neck one later) where me and him both decide is Ideal. (I've only met this guy once. But I've seen a bit of his work, talked to one of his customers... and this guy, a bit of an Older fellow... Just gives me a good read. he seems to know his shi... TRADE.

and I'm wondering, just how well does a Bare Knuckle Nailbomb do as a Single?

lastly, I think I've settled on the Arrow headstock. Ebony Fretboard with Twenty Four, 6105 stainless frets
but I'm still at a loss for finish. Is it really not possible to get a painted neck from Warmoth? Seems a black gloss finish shouldn't be that custom... but in the builder I had no luck.

If I can get a painted neck, then it would be mahogany painted black... If thats a no go I'm thinking Wenge. sprayed with something tinted...

As always ANY comment or critique is deeply appreciated!
Well, lately there have been a few painted necks showing up in the showcase:


So, maybe it's a "coming soon" type of option you should ask about...

Of Course, by the time I'm finished paying for this body... it may have been out for months!

it seems a lot, for a blank body.

But I've been researching.
and as Warmoth does such a PHENOMENAL job on quilts. it seems so wrong to just buy a black or white flat color body. these guys are wood choice/finishing masters... I've yet to see a quilt on the board that didn't make me drool!

has ANYONE got pictures of a Purple dye Quilted maple Top? search has not been my friend!
Sorry to double post, but new question...

what do you guys think of Red metalflake, instead of quilted Purple top?

still a really gorgeous Warmoth finish... but it saves me nearly 80 bucks!

I'm also wondering if it might be a smarter Idea to have the Bridge Stuff done By Warmoth... I plan on a TonePros TOM String-Thru (angled)

and, Just... the ferrules and the posts.. that seems like a touchy thing to do...
AGWAN said:
has ANYONE got pictures of a Purple dye Quilted maple Top? search has not been my friend!

I found this, but it's not a Warmoth, so I don't know if it does anything for you...


It's an Agile Interceptor 727. They normally go for about $700 here.
wow, thats kinda dark! I wonder how that compares to Warmoths!

the Rhythm Guitarist of my friends band plays an Agile and for the 400 dollars he spent on it. its an AMAZING value!

I actually think I'm gonna buy one of  http://www.rondomusic.com/al2000silverbleft.html   to mess around with. as I plan to build my lefty Iceman in stages...

so... short listing my remaining important questions for those bored to death by my wall of text!

Is it safest for the guitar to have Warmoth do a string thru TOM? or is that pretty Foolproof for a Guitar tech to do correctly?
Red metalflake vs Purple Dyed Quilted maple, both with black binding?
Bare Knuckle Nailbomb as a single Pickup?
thoughts on Arrow headstocks? (for this guitar I think it actually works.. but I've never seen one IRL.)

Another member here, Hannaugh, built a purple Strat, but it was over curly rather than quilted maple...


It appears they dyed it black, sanded it back, then dyed it purple, then fogged in the edges w/ black, then covered the whole thing in clear. It's a fairly common technique for bringing out the grain detail. Incidentally, that's a canary neck, in case you're interested. Warmoth doesn't list them on the "builder" pages anymore, but you can get it if you call. Also, she's since replaced those eyesore knobs.

Agile makes some fine guitars for remarkably little money. I've got one here, two of my brothers have one in their collections, and they're all just incredible. I'd put my AL-3000 up against any Les Paul Custom from Gibson, and there's an order of magnitude less money involved. I don't know how Gibson gets away with it.

I'm not a big fan of TOM bridges, but there's nothing tricky about their installation. If an average guitar tech couldn't do it, he'd be below average, and certainly no luthier would have any trouble with it.

Red Metalflake vs. Purple Dye is a matter of taste; that's up to you.

I have no experience with Bare Knuckles Nailbombs, so I can't say anything about them.

Arrowhead headstocks look nice on some guitars, less so on others. Again, it's a matter of taste. But, think symmetry.