Cagey said:Wyliee said:Cagey said:Steve_Karl said:How about Q-sawn? Is there more stability?
It's not only more stable, it often exhibits a more attractive grain. Both qualities are desirable, which when added to the extra labor required to get it, make it more expensive.
Not entirely true. Quartersawn wood will still move. You've only taken the grain and rotated it 90 degrees from flatsawn. It just moves in a different direction. Additionally, larger diameter lumber is necessary to get larger quartersawn pieces. You need a bigger tree, which are less commonly available. Less supply, more cost.
I know it'll still move. All wood moves. But it's more stable than flatsawn. Still not cast iron, but we don't want that anyway.
No, no it is not more stable. The only difference is the direction of the movement. If flatsawn moves, it will be like a bow in the neck from a playing perspective. Quartersawn will move side to side. (ie. toward the high or low e strings.) Adding a laminate (ie fingerboard) will help counteract that movement.