Thanks for the tips, guys. We're very excited, but also terrified. That seems to be the normal reaction. :laughing7:
We've also talked it over, and we're both big on the idea of letting ourselves have individual "me" time and shared "us time" without the kids. My parents never deprived themselves of that, and I think they were better parents for it. We also want to include our kids in the activities that are important to us. That includes creative things like painting (my gf is somewhat of an an artist) or guitar,* but also physical activities like hiking or yoga
But then again, we don't to fall into the trap of filling every second of every day with some sort of planned activity--kids need to be bored from time to time, so that they learn how to get themselves un-bored. You know, by being creative and using their imaginations and whatnot. You see so many families that are just completely burned out from running from one thing to the other every day.
It's crazy because it's still early, but my brain's been going a mile a minute since I found out with all the things we need to do, buy, build... Excitement!
*Definitely looking forward to jamming with my son or daughter. If I get them a drum kit, we can start a band! :icon_biggrin: