
`72 Thinline/Deluxe Tele Hybrid


I'm not certain if this is in line with accepted protocol...  By "Work in Progress," I'm currently at the "awaiting shipping" stage.

My guitar playing has been sporadic over the years.  I took some lessons when I was 13 or so, and have played off and on for the next 30 years (more off than on).  For a while I was more of a mandolin player.  Recently, our acoustic trio hooked up with a drummer, which has inspired me to reach for the 6-string again.

I currently have a used, beat-up Mexican Telecaster, as well as my first Warmoth build (Soloist body (swamp ash with flame maple top), birdseye neck with an ebony board).  My guitar player buddy has an LP-style guitar (a Sin City Brent Muscat signature which he got from Brent, who was the engineer on my buddy's first album) which he loaded with GFS Dream 90s.  I love the sound of the pickups, but the Lester is not my style, and is way too heavy even though it has a thinline-style body.

So, I started plotting.  Being a Telecaster person, I decided to go with the `72 Thinline style body.  I wanted it to have a little something different, so I started thinking about a CBS Strat neck.  My bass player reminded me that there already was a Tele with a strat neck (`72 Deluxe), so I may not be as original as I thought...  I picked up the phone to Warmoth, and Spike and I worked up the details.  Both body and neck were plucked from the Showcase.

`72 Thinline Tele body, in Sonic Blue
Q-sawn maple neck, maple board CBS Strat headstock, 22-fret, vintage tint
Vintage Pearl pickguard
Flatmount Strat bridge (humbucker spacing)

I'll be using the GFS Dream-90 pickups from my buddy's guitar (he's putting the original Duncans back in).  He's also providing a set of ESP-stamped Kluson tuners pulled from one of his old ESP tele guitars (he used to be sponsored by ESP), along with some Tele knurled knobs.

I probably still have 2-3 weeks before I get the body and neck, but I'm itching to go on this.  Funny thing is, so is my bud.  He called last night to have a planning discussion.  He was worried about the neck gaps from putting a strat neck on a tele body, but the 22 fret extension will cover that up well.

If anyone knows how to find pics of sold showcase items, I can post those to tide us over until the box arrives.
Well, normally we see a "Just Out of the Box" thread first, then a build thread here. But, you're not going to get any flack over it. You've got a placemarker set now.

Sounds like it's going to be a nice guitar. I'll be interested to hear what you think of the Dream 90s in that configuration.
Jumble Jumble said:
Also, I've stopped reading "Just Out Of The Box" threads now as they often seem to be "Just Ordered" threads.
-Yeah! -Pics in first post or forget it!
Jumble Jumble said:
Also, I've stopped reading "Just Out Of The Box" threads now as they often seem to be "Just Ordered" threads.
Maybe they should add 'Just ordered' and 'Just dreaming' subs...
Good news/bad news...

Good:  I got my shipping notice from W last night!  It's on the way!  :blob7:

Bad:  Sunday I leave for Albuquerque for a 2-week onsite...  The box will sit on my dining room table until the second weekend in August.  :sad1:
Yeah, well. Like a buddy of mine's dad used to tell him: If ya wants ta drives yer cah, ya gots to go to woik!  :icon_biggrin: