
5 string Bass Bridge options - ! & ?

Planning my next build for me, a 5 string bass, and looking over my options for a bridge.... and it's kinda lame.

There's a LOT of Four string bridges that use the standard 5 hole pattern, but there's nothing close to a "standard" five string bridge like there is for four strings. Even Fender uses at least 3 different 5 string bridge types as far as I can tell. 

Meanwhile, Takeuchi has disappeared, as have the LQ Badass V bridges, apparently; every vendor that I saw online showed as out of stock or unavailable.  There is this that looks like it might fit the 6 hole pattern of the Badass V top mount, and this one looks almost exactly like the T5 bridge, and they LOOK fine on the internet, so that means there shouldn't be any problems, right?  :doh:

Since Warmoth already routes for some Hipshots, why not add the B-Styles or Vintage 5 bridges?  I suppose it's not impossible they might fit one of the already offered routs, but I doubt it.  It does seem as if nothing is a direct replacement for any of Fender's bridge types.  Not that that's a bad thing, but it is a little odd given Warmoth's Fender license.

. . . and all this time . . . It is PAINFUL waiting for my Q2 bonus to show up, browsing the in stock showcase, budgeting what house repairs I can put off, how many parts I can order before the wife gets mad....  :laughing7: :sad1:  :help:  :dontknow:
If the budget is tight, but you're wiling to downgrade a bit on other areas, there are the two 2tek bridges.
Pelagaard said:
If the budget is tight, but you're wiling to downgrade a bit on other areas, there are the two 2tek bridges.

Yeah, there's those, except I'd rather have what I really want - even if I have to buy a little at time, not compromise.  Black hardware is a must.  :glasses10:  I want to build the bass I've long wanted, and actually needed in a few occasions.  I'm trying to hold off buying one of these (excellent though they may be), just because they're relatively cheap and close enough.  I might have to just buy from W without the rout done & figure out the bridge later - the Hipshot Vintage 5 looks simple enough (and Hipshot is no quality slouch), but I'm still curious of any other compatibilities from one bridge rout to another.
ihavenothingprofoundtosay said:
[...] browsing the in stock showcase, budgeting what house repairs I can put off, how many parts I can order before the wife gets mad....  :laughing7: :sad1:  :help:  :dontknow:

We are very alike!

I am currently working out what to use for my next Deluxe 5 Jazz build - a fretless to match my fretted. I am going to order the neck soon, but the body is up for reflection. Do I copy my fretted's body exactly, or do I change things a bit? Add a preamp? Different pickups (there'll be a thread about pickups soon).

The only thing that is most definitely not up for discussion is the bridge. Hipshot A style. The string spacing is perfect for me and the bridge is completely solid and reliable and screams quality. I shall not even be considering any other bridge.

Not much help, I know!
Also, what is recommended string spacing for Deluxe 5 JB? I can't find it on warmoth website. I suppose it's 17,5mm according to some offered bridges, but I remember seeing some Deluxe 5s with 18mm and maybe even 19mm if I'm not mistaken? Where's the truth?
kurcatovium said:
Also, what is recommended string spacing for Deluxe 5 JB? I can't find it on warmoth website. I suppose it's 17,5mm according to some offered bridges, but I remember seeing some Deluxe 5s with 18mm and maybe even 19mm if I'm not mistaken? Where's the truth?

The string spacing depends on the bridge and the pickups.  A lot of 5 string pickups will use bar magnets, so the spacing isn't that much of an issue there, but the bridge will determine spacing more than anything else.  You can get a Warmoth J5 with a handful of different options.  I'm leaning toward a Hipshot A, which seems to be the best of the available options, but there's no "recommended" spacing; it's about your preferences.  :)

If you're looking to exactly copy a Fender J5, however, than you'll probably have to figure out what the model you want has, and take some measurements.  Allparts has a ton of 5 string bridges, and I think at least a few of them will be compatible with the Fender mount.  If you're using pickups with exposed pole pieces, you'll definitely want to research the bridge spacing carefully.
I'm not really into copying any Fender, I just wanted to know how wide spacing (at bridge) is Deluxe 5 neck able to accomodate. I'm worried if 19mm spacing wouldn't put strings off the board...
Their Fender license has nothing to do with their bridge routings.  It has to do with the Fender headstock shape and being limited to making parts.

Their 4 string options aren't as grand as you'd have me believe too.  I don't like, and have not ordered the 5 bolt top load on any of my builds, and short of an amazing showcase piece I couldn't live without, I don't forsee it happening.  99% of the showcase 4 string bass bodies are that bridge.  No drilling, doweling, plugging, redrilling option available.

Their string thru options for 4 strings were very limited until recently.  The Gotoh 206 was discontinued.  I actually ordered that route and modified a 5 bolt top load to accommodate string thru.  The Hipshot single string thru, forget about it.  They started offering the Badass III string thru, but that bridge is becoming hard to find, to the point my damaged in shipping custom order had a big markdown when put in the showcase because of bridge availability.  Funny thing is, the Badass III is an American Standard retrofit, and one can find all sorts of bridges for that route.

So us four stringers don't have it much better.
kurcatovium said:
I'm not really into copying any Fender, I just wanted to know how wide spacing (at bridge) is Deluxe 5 neck able to accomodate. I'm worried if 19mm spacing wouldn't put strings off the board...
Do I get it right that nobody knows?
kurcatovium said:
Do I get it right that nobody knows?

I wouldn't say that. The information is on the Warmoth site for anyone to review. But, here it is again...

Deluxe 5 Bass Necks
Warmoth has held to the Fender American Deluxe 5 4-bolt dimensions in our Deluxe 5 necks.
Warmoth does not offer a neck to fit the newer 5-bolt body.

To check compatibility, the simplest method is direct comparison. The critical dimensions for basses are:


Cagey said:
kurcatovium said:
Do I get it right that nobody knows?

I wouldn't say that. The information is on the Warmoth site for anyone to review. But, here it is again...

Deluxe 5 Bass Necks
Warmoth has held to the Fender American Deluxe 5 4-bolt dimensions in our Deluxe 5 necks.
Warmoth does not offer a neck to fit the newer 5-bolt body.

To check compatibility, the simplest method is direct comparison. The critical dimensions for basses are:

Of course I know that these informations can be found on Warmoth site, but that doesn't answer the question at all. Those are only neck dimensions. I honestly don't know how wide neck (on 22nd fret) do I need for 17.5, 18 or 19 mm at bridge. My other five string, which has ~ 18.5 mm spacing on bridge) is 75 mm wide on 22nd fret, but it also has narrower spacing on nut, so the neck angles and general dimensions are different... But looking at this, I assume 18 mm should be fine with Warmoth Deluxe 5. Maybe even 18.5 mm.