
3 piece Bass necks


Junior Member
What i mean is a neck made by using a shaft made of two pieces of flat sawn maple with a quarter sawn center piece with the center piece slightly wider !
This would make it feasible to use a lightweight vintage style truss rod  and get that cool resonant old school tone and still have a stiff stable and light weight neck :sign13:!
actually its a 4 piece neck if counting the fretboard!
What do you guys think about this neck design?

I like the double expanding truss rod.  Also, Maple and occasional Rosewood in stock pieces are the only things I've seen available quartersawn.  Kind of limits the exotics as options.

I do like that idea of a multi-piece neck though, like Ric, Gibson, and Ibanez have done.
Meh, I'm not a fan of anything Maple, because it needs a finish. Might be cool with other woods though.
I don't believe I've ever seen a neck done that way though?

I would really rather see 5 piece necks.