Thanks again for the informative discussion. I rarely ever think through the circuit flow through the volume and tone pots, but Line6man, you brought up an excellent point. I didn't use that part of the diagram, but I should have looked through the entire circuit before posting it, lest I mislead someone into miswiring their guitar.
How I actually wired this particular guitar used three different diagrams, mixed together. One was from StewMac, and was the diagram used for the pots and output jack. Note that this one has the 0.001 uF treble bleed cap between the input and the wiper of the volume jack. I included this just to give it a try. Easier to remove it than to add it later.
There are three things to note about this diagram from StewMac. One is that the case of the tone pot is not grounded. So I ran a grounding wire between the volume and tone pot cases. Another is the value of the tone cap. They have 0.050 uF. I usually use that (0.047) for single coils and 0.022 for humbuckers. Finally, the 3-way switch shown has the older style soldering tab layout. I found a diagram that compares the wiring of the two. It turns out they can be wired much the same. I did find a few other diagrams for the new style, but went with this one, since it is familiar to me:
I tested that wiring, once complete. Once I was sure that it worked, then I incorporated the "master coil tap" mini toggle as shown in the diagram I put in the initial post:
After I was sure that this switch did what it was supposed to, I then drilled the hole and mounted the switch.
So, in the end, if you'll pardon my "artwork," I ended up with this:
Let me know if you see anything wrong with this diagram. I can always learn something new. :icon_thumright: