
1x10 guitar speaker recommendations for Marshall lead 12


Senior Member
I recently got an old used Marshall Lead 12 1x10 combo, it kicks @$$ for what it is, but the speaker died yesterday on me. Anyone have any advice on a good 10-inch speaker? I've been looking at the Eminence Ramrod 10, I've heard a couple people say it was a good fit for a marshall. Any other suggestions?
If you're after the Warmoth of the speaker world, you want Ted Weber speakers.
The Blue Pup & Silver Ten are both excellent speakers.
AutoBat said:
If you're after the Warmoth of the speaker world, you want Ted Weber speakers.
The Blue Pup & Silver Ten are both excellent speakers.

Thanks Autobat, those Webers look awesome, have you tried either of those? What are they like?
I've heard good stuff about Warehouse Guitar Speakers too. Been surfing through clips on the various Greenback/Vintage30 variants trying to decide what I want, between WGS and Eminence and the various offerings they have.
Here's a fairly good Eminence/Warehouse/Jensen/Weber comparo in a Fender Super Reverb.