1969 Telecaster

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Jusatele said:
I really cannot say I respect the OP after this thread has run this way, he has refused to post pictures, shown his ignorance of tax laws, made claims he will not prove. and refuses to show pictures so we can varify, instead he claims items are older than the guitar as if that makes it worth more.
If you know the history of Fender you know how hard it would be to verify the age of the pots used.
I say Shylock is a huge fake.

To me, this is sounding like.... me saying that I saw a woo-woo 69 Telecaster hanging in a store locally for price X, decide that I'll tell the folks on the forum its price Y and make a quick buck.

That would explain the no pictures, no dating references, still having to pay tax... and the elusive and evasive nature of the the "seller".
=CB= said:
To me, this is sounding like.... me saying that I saw a woo-woo 69 Telecaster hanging in a store locally for price X, decide that I'll tell the folks on the forum its price Y and make a quick buck.

That would explain the no pictures, no dating references, still having to pay tax... and the elusive and evasive nature of the the "seller".

That's the most sensible explanation for the whole thing yet.

Besides, this is a builder's forum. For that kind of money, you can build 3 or 4 much better instruments and everybody knows it. So, why bother trying to scam anybody? It's lost labor and a ruination of credibility.
Cagey said:
=CB= said:
To me, this is sounding like.... me saying that I saw a woo-woo 69 Telecaster hanging in a store locally for price X, decide that I'll tell the folks on the forum its price Y and make a quick buck.

That would explain the no pictures, no dating references, still having to pay tax... and the elusive and evasive nature of the the "seller".

That's the most sensible explanation for the whole thing yet.

Besides, this is a builder's forum. For that kind of money, you can build 3 or 4 much better instruments and everybody knows it. So, why bother trying to scam anybody? It's lost labor and a ruination of credibility.

Yep - that's the best explanation. 

Mr Fox: fess up young man and maybe you'll win some respect back.
being one of the few people here who deals in the antique guitars, I think you would take me seriously

but again it proves what I keep saying

you refuse to authenticate, post no pictures and know nothing about tax law

you can moan all you want, but you are the one who refuses to do as asked. that is why you are getting so much grief

and that is why everyone doubts you. You lost credibility here, not me.

put up or shut up

PS Once again you prove how little you know, why should I bother to refresh on the thread, I can subscribe to it and get an email when ever you post.  You really do not know much do you?
I work for a retail store who acquired a 1969 telecaster.  I work on commission.  I work with respectable customers and those addicted to the art, and I figured I might find a few here too.  So I gave it shot.  You can't sell something if you don't try.

The business I work for is located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  (That's a state, and within it, a city....oooooo)

The tax in this particular area is 9%.

According to the rules posted in this forum, I have done nothing wrong.

If you have an issue with me, I want you to ignore me.  Say this word with me.  Ignore.  me.  Say it together:  Ignore Me.  Don't communicate with me.  Bite your tongue.  I deal with enough negative people in my life, I don't come to this forum to deal with more of them. 

Now that I've given you everything you want, can a moderator delete this posting?  Please? 












Whether you are on commission or not, you are representing a business, and you can't advertise for a business here, so it's SPAM.

Nice tele though, but the FB is so shiny for a 40 yr old guitar and it looks like there is some finish build up around the frets... was this badly refinished?
Marko said:
Whether you are on commission or not, you are representing a business, and you can't advertise for a business here, so it's SPAM.

Nice tele though, but the FB is so shiny for a 40 yr old guitar and it looks like there is some finish build up around the frets... was this badly refinished?

Can you link me to where the rules explain this?

No its original paint.

I've tried to be nice at the negative comments.  You know why?
because of this:
* Negativity:  Members that habitually post negative comments and perpetuate a black cloud atmosphere will have their comments deleted and may be banned from posting without warning. As mentioned, there are many, many forums that can be used as a personal aggressive venting tool but this is not one of them.
So the truth does start to come out

what bothers me is the neck
in 68 Fender again stopped using a skunk stripe, plus the lack of wear on the fret board compared to the wear on the body.
another point is the brightness of the finish on the fretboard. And I find the sticker looks to good, no fading etc.

wanna pull the pick guard and shoot some pictures?

he you put it up, I am just voicing my concerns

as far as the hardware, correct, serial number works, correct tuners but man again no wear on them. pick guard is of the correct type, I now want pics of the routing, I want routing angles, angles of the exterior routing. Neck pocket pics, stamps in pickup cavity pics, rear of pickup pics. heal of the neck pics, Just looking to authenticate. this guy who you are trying to call out seems to be the only one asking the questions that authenticate the guitar, and it seems he is the one who you find a problem with.

so the shoe is in your court now, I have voiced my concerns and have voiced what I see and like.

Say I am negative all you want, trying to destroy me to make you look good is an attempt of desperation.

you put yourself in the place you are at, admitting you work in a store on commission was a big step back, give us some more pics and keep climbing.  And remember, If I buy that thing cross a state border, there is no sales tax

I'm done posting to this thread.  My message has been sent to an admin to delete this topic.

Slylock Fox said:

I'm done posting to this thread.  My message has been sent to an admin to delete this topic.
Just when you were beginning to get some Credo's back?

strange, you posted up a commercial company sale of a guitar and now want the admin to delete a topic to save face?
I am locking this thread and will be deleting it in a few days.

Slylock, this is the second recent thread related to you that I've been asked to delete.  The first was related to stickers and you referenced a specific vendor.  If you recall, the vendor asked not to be named and you very publicly refused his request.  This is why I am responding to you publicly now.  Fair is fair.

Reminder of forum guidelines: Commercial Users: If you own, operate, or are employed by a music-related business, you must disclose your affiliation in your account signature.

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