1969 Telecaster

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Jusatele said:
Slylock Fox said:
If you're not interested in it, why waste your breath telling us what a turd it is?

The tele plays great by the way.  Sounded great through the Princeton too.
to help educate those who do not have the knowledge that it is a bad bad deal

and I am sure a fender squire telecaster plays great and sounds great through a Princeton also, does that mean I should pay 5 grand for it also? with that as the argument of it's worth, then I should pay 5 grand for a turd with a pickup on it, oh sorry, that is what you are offereing.

It's 5599.99 + 9% sales tax.

You keep making the price go down.  I think deep down you want this guitar.
I got to play a '58 about 100 years ago. One of my brothers brought it over. Belonged to a friend of his who wanted it "fixed", because it wouldn't tune, was buzzy, sounded awful and had a wrecked paint job. So, we put new pickups and tuners on it, gave it a half-assed fret job, and I shot it with some white Imron catalyzed enamel left over from a recent car paint job. Looked great, and worked better than it ever had. Guy was happy as could be. It wasn't until many years later that I found out we'd essentially trashed a collector's piece. Of course, back then they weren't "collector's pieces", they were just pitiful guitars that needed work because the owner couldn't afford a new one.
Slylock Fox said:
If anyone is looking for one I have access to one for sale.  5599.99 + 9% sales tax.  If you would like more info let me know!

All original with case in a blonde finish.

I'm never one to bicker with pricing on internet ads.  The item is either worth the price asked, and it sells, or, its not, and it doesn't sell.  Simple.

Asking five plus grand with no pictures.... may be an example of marketing futility.

The problem I have with your advert is the 9% sales tax.

Assuming you're on the up-and-up as a bona-fide collector of sales taxes.... you must be some commercial establishment, and as such, it would have been proper to disclose such.  Not sure just what the rules and regs say about posting commercial ads here... but for the sake of clarity, if you're "required" to take tax money (on an internet sale, wtf?), disclosure is common courtesy.
Not only that, the highest sales tax in the US is 8.25% (California). Plus, you don't collect sales tax at all across state lines. In any event, you need a tax ID to collect taxes.
That's my point.  Something remains unclear with this posting, and I wish it would be clarified in a hurry - regarding the tax "issue"
At any rate the guitar has been sold.

8.25% is not the highest tax rate in the country.  It's unfortunate but I sit with sales tax at 9%, I work for a business and the tax collection is not for me, it's for uncle sam.

Any retail business you buy from will charge you tax from the location of which their business is located.
Slylock Fox said:
8.25% is not the highest tax rate in the country.  It's unfortunate but I sit with sales tax at 9%, I work for a business and the tax collection is not for me, it's for uncle sam. Any retail business you buy from will charge you tax from the location of which their business is located.

Right. But, it also depends on what country you're in and what tax you're talking about. In the United States, 8.25% is the highest sales tax rate, and only California charges that much since they're in such deep trouble. Unless, of course, something has changed very recently. But, you can review the rates that were current as of January of 2011 here.
To build on your point re: sales tax, many local jurisdictions pile on an additional sales tax.  In California, for example, where property taxes are limited by Proposition 13, many cities and counties add a quarter penny here and there to the sales tax bill for certain classes of goods (or in some cases, everything that can be bought and sold), which can get you up to 9.25 percent wid a quickness. 
Bagman67 said:
To build on your point re: sales tax, many local jurisdictions pile on an additional sales tax.  In California, for example, where property taxes are limited by Proposition 13, many cities and counties add a quarter penny here and there to the sales tax bill for certain classes of goods (or in some cases, everything that can be bought and sold), which can get you up to 9.25 percent wid a quickness.

No kidding!? I've never heard of such a thing. How do people allow such things to happen?
Because they don't pay property tax and the govmint needs to pay teachers and firefighters and etc., and because CA government is the most wastefully inefficient entity on the face of the earth. That's how it happens - you want to live in San Francisco, you gonna pay the man.
Slylock Fox said:
At any rate the guitar has been sold.

8.25% is not the highest tax rate in the country.  It's unfortunate but I sit with sales tax at 9%, I work for a business and the tax collection is not for me, it's for uncle sam.

Any retail business you buy from will charge you tax from the location of which their business is located.

Its common courtesy, when using ANOTHER COMPANY's WEBSITE or FORUM... provided free of charge.... to disclose that you're a retail establishment selling some item commercially, and not just average joe off the street selling a personal item. 

Why the hush hush about it?  This is beginning to strike me as very odd.  Why not just say "I work at XYZ and am selling a nice guitar" and maybe add "if anyone is in the area feel free to have a look". 

Plus, there is no sales tax on out of state sales - so unless the buyer was in your state, there would be no tax.

I think there is something fishola goin' on here.

(after going thru things more here....) and we still dont know the place that has 9 percent tax... this is totally unethical - yes I'm saying that - its unethical and reflects very very poorly upon "Slylock Fox".  In fact I'd go on to say total BS to the 9 percent, which was only a way to get an extra nine percent out of the purchaser - OR - there was one known to him, not his, and he attempted to broker a deal here for his own profit.... and could not avoid the tax - which he would have to pay himself, locally.  Key word "I have access..."

I'm done with this bogus thread... jeeze.
Slylock Fox said:
At any rate the guitar has been sold.

8.25% is not the highest tax rate in the country.  It's unfortunate but I sit with sales tax at 9%, I work for a business and the tax collection is not for me, it's for uncle sam.

Any retail business you buy from will charge you tax from the location of which their business is located.
not if it goes across state lines

his story has stunk since it started. IMO. It is a questionable guitar, I wanted a few pics of places so I could date the guitar, he never did, the price was way high for the year quoted. In my opinion it has been a wool over the eyes story from the beginning and we should be glad it is gone.

I really cannot say I respect the OP after this thread has run this way, he has refused to post pictures, shown his ignorance of tax laws, made claims he will not prove. and refuses to show pictures so we can varify, instead he claims items are older than the guitar as if that makes it worth more.
If you know the history of Fender you know how hard it would be to verify the age of the pots used.
I say Shylock is a huge fake.
With many items with sales tax, it's built into the markup and you never see the itemized versions, like drink prices in bars or gasoline at the pump, even in the states with sales tax.
I've been pretty nice and patient, and I haven't called anyone names so far through this thread.

Now I'm annoyed.

I don't really give a rats ass if you think I'm fishy, if you think the guitar was over-priced, or if you think the sales tax for the U.S.A is some obscene number that happens to change from state to state.  Do a little further research, and you'll learn that bagman67 is right and some cities and towns add on to our already high tax rate.

Where I'm at, it's 9%.  You have a problem with it?  Tell it to the governors office.  Do I need to get the phone number for you, or are you just gonna bitch and complain that I haven't already supplied it in a picture?

When I originally posted that I have the ability to sell someone a particular guitar, I used the service of this website under the bullet "Gear for sale or trade."  If you weren't interested in the guitar, why do you care?  If someone were truly interested in the piece, they would have messaged me.  This would have brought upon communication that would not involve those uninterested. 

Now Justatele, you can keep moaning and groaning that I didn't supply you with pictures.  Were you a serious buyer?  Probably not.  Why would I waste my time trying to make you a buyer if all you want to do is check the validity of my post.  Shylock?  Is that supposed to display my lack of posts to this ridiculous thread?  Maybe I'm out working on my Warmoth instead of hitting refresh on this post every 5 minutes like you seem to be doing.

This post has become outrageous.  It's like someone walking into taco bell and yelling "I DON'T LIKE TACO's".  Just don't go in.  Leave it be.  The guitar is already sold.  The person is happy.  Nobody cares about your opinion on this topic anymore......


we done?

we good?

Oh I think its all been said... and I agree.... definitely fishy.  The whole story is yet to be told.

Its not a matter of the percentage, but a matter of tax at all.  Why is there tax on a private transaction? 

Because its not private that's why!  There either was a 3rd party retailer or Sly's a retailer.  Retailers collect LOCAL tax, not out of state, or out of town tax.

For instance - here in Florida, we have 6% tax but some places tack on 1/2 to 1-1/2 percent.  Those municipal and county taxes are only levied on sales that occur within those counties or municipalities, unless the merchant also has a point of presence in those places.

Something here still doesn't add up.... I'd like to hear more from the seller, some sort of explanation as to whats up. 

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