
Recent content by exaN

  1. exaN

    DIY 720 mod?

    Would a cheapish hand router do the job pretty well?
  2. exaN

    DIY 720 mod?

    Hello! How hard would it be to DIY a 720 mod on a Warmoth body with minimal tools (basic toolbox, drill...)? Like let's say I have sandpaper and the power of will on my side 😅?
  3. exaN

    No spalted maple top option?

    Hey guys, I'm currently planning my next build and I was hoping to go with a hybrid Tele body with a spalted maple top but for some reason spalted maple doesn't show up in the body builder? Is it an option you have to call to order or something?
  4. exaN

    Happy Birthday....The Aaron!!!!

    Happy birthday! Thanks for all that you do!
  5. exaN

    Made a mistake mounting my pickups

    Thanks for all the great recommendations! I was really hoping to be able to fix my mistake rather than just finding a bigger screw, using JB Weld seems like just what I need. I'll give it a shot and report back. Thanks as always guys!
  6. exaN

    Made a mistake mounting my pickups

    When first installing the pickups in my last build (wood mounted), the mounting hole on the pickup was too small for the mounting screws I had. I thought no big deal I'll just enlarge the hole and call it a day... Except I decided recently I wanted pickup rings. When installing them, I...
  7. exaN

    VOTE HERE! July 2019 Guitar of the Month Contest

    Always look forward to the owner finished GotM, my vote is in!
  8. exaN

    VOTE HERE! June 2019 Guitar of the Month Contest

    Totally forgot to vote this month :doh: ! Congrats Rgand!
  9. exaN

    VOTE HERE! May 2019 Guitar of the Month Contest

    Vote is in, good luck all!
  10. exaN

    VOTE HERE! April 2019 Guitar of the Month Contest

    Vote is in! Good luck all!
  11. exaN

    Aged white/parchment set that fits DiMarzio pickup height?

    Yeah I have, just waiting for response. Thought asking here was worth a shot as well :icon_thumright:.
  12. exaN

    Aged white/parchment set that fits DiMarzio pickup height?

    I ordered a set of parchment hardware from Warmoth not knowing the covers don't fit the height of DiMarzio singlecoils (the hum cancelling ones at least). I'm trying to get everything to match in color but DiMarzio doesn't seem to sell matching aged white knobs/switch tip to go with the pickup...
  13. exaN

    TelePaul Honey Burst

    This is some serious eye candy! Congrats on the new axe!
  14. exaN

    [Updated] Fiesta Red Strat

    Thanks! So far I don't have anything bad to say about the Injector, but I'm also into Paul Gilbert's music so I might be biased.
  15. exaN

    Fret dressing a new Warmoth neck

    The first Warmoth neck I bought had a bad nut, but otherwise every neck I've bought since then was perfectly playable right out of the box. At least well enough that I don't really see the point spending the extra money :dontknow:.