
Zebrawood? or just skip it...

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Hello all, I am very close to starting the process of beginning my next project in earnest (I don't count the planning stage).  Despite the fact that I have a great many ideas for crazy finishes that I would like to try,  I have decided to go super simple for this, my first finishing job.  I have fallen for the lure of the Black Korina, and I am planning to do an oil finish.  Here is the thing,  I love the look of Zebrawood, and could get a lam-top, but while I know the Black Korina is ideal for said oil finish,  I don't know a thing about the Zebrawood.  Wood it take an oil finish?  Or is it one of those "sponge" woods that would just soak and soak up the oil?  Are the Korina and Zebrawood so vastly different that I would be creating a pain in the ass situation, or are they similar enough to keep it simple?  I have been suckered in enough on the Black Korina that if the Zebrawood top will create a problem, than I am just going to skip it and do an all Korina body.  Any and all opinions are as always welcome and appreciated! 
I once did a Mini-14 stock, made of zebrawood, completely in 100 percent pure tung oil.  Then for the same customer, I went back and did a set of Herrett stocks for his two Ruger Security-Six's, also in zebrawood, also with pure tung.  Just fabulous.  Go for it.
I've done a couple of Zebrawood laminate builds; check out the one in the Strat gallery section. A couple of coats of Minwax Golden Pecan oil stain will give the lighter part a nice amberish glow make the grain pop out and won't look bad on the korina back as well. You can then shoot nitro or use tung oil or Tru-oil for a gloss top finish.
EEEEXXXCCCEEELENT!!!!  (Laughs Manically...)  Thank you guys,  I knew this would be a "Do it"/"Shoot it down" proposition.  Now that I have the go-ahead from the two most respected minds here (no offense to anyone else!), let me tell you that I am truly excited about this.  I am going to go way out of my shpere of normalcy on this one.  Jack,  that Strat of yours was pretty much what got me thinking about a Zebrawood lam-top in the first place, thanks in advance for the inspiration.  And -CB-, I will of course be using Pure Tung on this this thing, as per your mandate.  I can't thank you guys enough, you got me through my first Warmoth build, with impressive results, and this one is going to be even better, due mostly to all I have learned right here.  I raise a glass to the both of you!
Alrighty then...I'm not trying to bump my own thread, and my next thing kind of takes this out of the finish category, but why clutter the place up with twenty threads about the same thing?  I was going to keep this top secret, but I'm too freakin excited...so here is what I am thinking... Hollow Tele body in Black Korina (no F-hole) with a Zebrawood Lam-top, rear routed for humbucker bridge (probably SD Pearly Gates) P-90 neck (probably a Gibby), finished in Pure Tung Oil (Duh), black hardware, and a Ziricote on Bubinga boatneck with SS frets (I'll never go back to nickle!).  I know I'm going to get the "neck-heavy" comment, but other than that, what do you fellas think?  I'm thinking mid-range monster! 
chambered hollow or thinline hollow?

it'll proably sound a bit like my chambered korina/koa tele w/purpleheart neck. you''ll love it, no regrets here :icon_thumright:

Yeah,  I was going to go with the chambered hollow Tele.  Thanks guys for the words of encouragement, A few more weeks of working too hard and paying bills and the body will be ordered.  Then I will take my time getting the finish just right before ordering the rest. 