
You guys should check this out...

Started with it top-routed, ended it with it rear-routed.  It probably would've been less time and energy to build one from scratch then to repair one in that manner.  Oh well, there wouldn't have been a thread otherwise.
i like how in the end the guitar is a rear route. after plaining it down and pocketing it out to fill it all you'd think he could have just started with a fresh piece of wood. maybe 50% of the original body is left in there.
I dind't read the whole thread (did anyone?)  but did they ever explain why it was lit on fire to begin with?
Damn, I can't get enough of this. Look, I don't do these kinds of repair and wouldn't know where to begin if I wanted to, but I still enjoy reading this kind of stuff. I don't know about you guys but I'm basically skipping over all the comments from other members and just reading his updates. It really is like a soap opera. I'm giddy waiting to see how it ends.
DesmoDog said:
I dind't read the whole thread (did anyone?)  but did they ever explain why it was lit on fire to begin with?
I read the whole thread, but I don't recall reading any explanation for that. But, I too mainly read the build entries and skipped over the largely repetitive fawning posts.
apparently there was some long thread about why nikininja set the guitar on fire and sent it to Ceri to have it rebuilt

i just looked for the posts that had more than 2 photos and read those and found that this guy is a genius. he made everything that he used to make the guitar which i found to be pretty dang cool
I got the impression that it was an attempt to replicate the 'burnt' appearance of one of Hendrix's guitars, but the burning was a little too successful.
Well, I sat here at my desk for the last 3 or 4 hours easily going through that. What a great time that was. The guitar turned out really nice too. Not as shiny as I was thinking it was going to be but I guess once you have the glare of a Warmoth finish nothing else quite compares. Fantastic thread though and was tons of fun to go through.
Dan025 said:
i like how in the end the guitar is a rear route. after plaining it down and pocketing it out to fill it all you'd think he could have just started with a fresh piece of wood. maybe 50% of the original body is left in there.
It still has 50% of the Tone char left