
Yamaha G-50 Guitar MIDI controller



I have one of these units for sale. To the best of my knowledge it works just fine - but it does NOT work with Piezo pickups. (I did actually get some tracking out of it with my Graphtecs, but it's not exactly usable. If you have a magnetic hex pickup you should be just fine. I'll see if I can get some pictures up if anyone is interested.

Asking $250 + shipping cost.

*Just in case you're thinking what I thought. The Szalay designed units (this one and Axon's) use a pretty slick system for really fast and accurate tracking. Basically it looks for the pick transient, and then again for the reflected pick transient (same signal inverted). Piezo systems implementing this mechanism (the higher end Axon) basically have to account for the fact that the piezo IS the end of the string and things are ordered a little differently. It's not just a matter of signal conditioning, it's a fundamental difference in the way it works. (Hence why this one is for sale.)

Wouldnt it be more appropriate to use a roland gk-2 midi pup.  It fits on any guitar same as gk-3 . You can even mount the module from the midi pup inside a custom cavity n have a 13 pin midi jack on the side of the body n run a midi cable direct to your gr-50.  The unit you have forsale is a great unit with potential that you ll never even use in your life time. Well worth it boys. I used mine to emulate flute sax oboe piano etc.  Its incredible like playin a 20 foot flute. eg. slide from fret 12 all the way down the neck in flute mode sounds amazing. The gr-50 is one of the best made. Grabbing a cheap foot controller with up /down buttons to cycle through your cuustom fx patches rules.