
ya know what you never see?


Senior Member
ya know what you never see?
a satin black sg with all gold hardware. i reckon that would look awesome.

i'm currently in the process of re-birthing my cheap epiphone g-400 (stripped it back to wood, it's got around 7 coats of danish oil on it so far), and it is such a sexy shape. i can't help thinking that it would look awesome in satin black. and gold everything just to make it look more "classic" than "metal". they have the "goth" model, but it looks too metal for me (even though i play pretty heavy stuff, i dnt really like "metal" guitars- bit too cheesey for me).

i also reckon a W sg made of solid wenge with a few very light coats of danish (or tung, or whatever your choice of oil) oil would look super slick. anybody ever looked at the back contour of their wenge neck? that sideways grain looks amazing, it would look great along the bevelled edges of an sg. satin black hardware to keep it nice and dark. wenge/ebony neck with block inlays and gibson headstock. put the jack on the side. chrome covered buckers. mmmmm. might be a little heavy....

can you tell i'm GAS-ing?

pics of my (now) classy looking epiphone sg coming soon. the mahogany lam-top looks great under the oil. gonna throw on another 6 or s coats of oil, let it cure for a week, then wax up with carnauba wax. also, i modified the headstock (read: hacksawed) and sanded off the epiphone inlay (which was just like a decal), and it will be getting a chrome tele control plate and 3-way lever. so it doesn't look cheap anymore, it's looking kinda boutique!! anybdy else like to strip back cheap guitars and make them nicer? i think if i didn't i would be positively bankrupt from too much W  :tard:
i think the SG sounds cool... this is kind of what i pictured. i'm not a fan of gold hardware, but in this case it definitely looks great!

anyway i'm working on a Squier '51 i got pretty cheap. i like buying cheap-o guitars and seeing what i can do with them! my only problem is they can add up quick too
i reckon it would be awesome if you could get some really old gold hardware, ya know how it gets that aged bronzey look? actually it would be just awesome if you could get satin bronze hardware in the first pace. anybody know of any?

that mockup looks mighty nice though. if i run into a g-400 selling nice and cheap i may haveto do exactly that... except with gold knobs too  :toothy10: shame the g-400 doesn't have binding... paint on binding!! my specialty!!

however, after stripping back my epi, i realised how shitee the headstock join is- under the thin black laminate headstock veneer, you can clearly see that the headstock is a seperate piece of wood, just glued onto the back of the neck wood. i guess thats why they snap- any decent whack on the front top half of the headstock could take it straight off.  not to mention if it fell backwards. the warmoth construction on angled necks is far superior in durability, you can tell just by looking at it  :tard:
I actually saw a used satin black SG-type ESP (not really an SG, I know...more like a distorted SG shape) with gold hardware on Friday. Should I have picked it up for you?  :laughing7:
Seriously though, that mockup looks pretty darned good. Gold knobs would be a must though...
ErogenousJones said:
I actually saw a used satin black SG-type ESP (not really an SG, I know...more like a distorted SG shape) with gold hardware on Friday.


this one? i love the look of this guitar! the flat black is the perfect look for it, i think!

EDIT: just saw you said it was an SG shape, not LP. either way, i think it's a really cool idea and a great look.
That's funny, I was actually tossing up between my first W build and that ESP lp. I loved it except for: the emgs, and the binding looks so weird and... Orange...  Up close. I couldn't get past those two factors. So I went W. And now I'm cursed. Thanks Warmoth, for sending me crazy with addiction.
I'm not so big on the ESP/ltd sg shape either. Bit too slopey for me. I still think the traditional shape is so mean looking but yet so classy
rightintheface said:
That's funny, I was actually tossing up between my first W build and that ESP lp. I loved it except for: the emgs, and the binding looks so weird and... Orange...  Up close. I couldn't get past those two factors. So I went W. And now I'm cursed. Thanks Warmoth, for sending me crazy with addiction.
I'm not so big on the ESP/ltd sg shape either. Bit too slopey for me. I still think the traditional shape is so mean looking but yet so classy

I completely agree. The binding on the ESP LP looks cheap and their SG is too angular. And damn you Warmoth for making want to build more guitars than I can afford or fit in my apartment!