WTB Routing Templates


Hero Member
OK guys I'd like to get my hands on some templates. I dont care the material or whatever. Copy them from your masters. Donate them to a fellow forum member. Anything works. I would like some tremolo, humbucker, neck pocket kind of thing. An all in one template would be cool too. Anything works. Please let me know what ya got or want. Maybe we can trade.
Perhaps I could copy my Stewmac templates to MDF,  but the catch is, you'll need to scribe centerlines.
I have the following:

Single coil Strat style pickup.
Humbucker pickup.
Jazz bass neck.
Jazz bass bridge.
Control cavity route and cover plate recess.
Tremolo spring cavity.

You wouldn't want my neck pocket and Floyd templates. :blob7:
The humbucker, control cavity and plate and the spring cavity would be awesome. I have a handy dandy center finding ruler that makes lining things up super easy.
pabloman said:
The humbucker, control cavity and plate and the spring cavity would be awesome. I have a handy dandy center finding ruler that makes lining things up super easy.

I'll pick up some MDF the next time I'm at Home Depot. :blob7:
I ran some errands today and stopped by Home Depot for the MDF. I also cut it up and Forstner'd the rough shape. Unfortunately, I might not have time to route these until later in the week.

Btw, I hope you don't mind that the sides of the templates are not perfectly straight. I don't have a table saw, so I had to use my bandsaw. While I do have a nice Kreg fence, it's a pain in the ass to keep a 2'x6' board held up properly, and it went off course a bit. The important thing is the routes. :blob7:
Oddly enough, I noticed that StewMac's control cavity template and recess cover template don't align exactly over each other. For proper alignment relative to the screwholes, one template is shifted over a bit relative to the edge of the other.
Nice job! It's also nice that you let them sit on a bed of tone worms while they await shipment <grin>