
Wood Porn

Stumbled across a couple slabs of pretty lumber this weekend, with visions of future fingerboards dancing in my head when I finally build up the intestinal fortitude to try building necks.

Cocobolo and Bolivian Rosewood/Ziricote, reverse and obverse:

Those are some beautiful pieces! If nothing else, you could get someone else to build a neck using those pieces.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking will be more likely.  The cocobolo's only 5/16 thick, so that's got just one fingerboard in it, but the ziricote's twice that - so it'll be resawn and allocated to two necks.
So, that's 3 new necks. You're gonna need a body.


Could I interest you in a perfect good Telecaster body, previously owned by none other than the great Sheik Yerbouti?

Plus, you'll have something to use with that body you installed that recently purchased and incredibly ugly Maple neck on. I could be teased into some sort of accommodation...

Wait - never mind. I wanted that neck for the Tele body.
Jim_H said:
Little late to this thread, but I thought I'd contribute my not-so-sexy, but quite useful Mesquite slabs.

Wondering why you say it's not sexy, and useful?

Mesquite is on my to do list. Because REASONS.




Ha!  I just meant that it's not terribly sexy in it's current form. 

The poor wood is a long long ways from home .  It's been living in my wood storage room for a couple of years since I dragged it home (Seattle area)  from a trip to Texas, where I stumbled on a mill that had this stuff leaning up against a wall and had to have it.

I love the character of mesquite.  I don't particularly love working with it though, and my router bits and saw blade cringe in terror every time go near that wood.  :toothy11:

I have visions of some day  turning it into a Texas themed matching Tele and Strat, but haven't started working on any designs.  If I can get an acoustic back and side set out of it, I may make a nice Dread out of it too. 

And I love the Birdsong site.  I think that is where I got the inspiration to go mesquite  hunting when I was down Texas way a few years ago.
Just picked up a Matched Set of tops in Curly Koa from Hawaiian Hardwoods .. these are going to be awesome!

They are scheduled to go  on matching guitars for my favorite band.


You lost me at "sky blue pickup bobbins," but the overall effect is nevertheless awesome.  Nice  job!

ThePhilosopher said:
How about my import Nuno I veneered with some Bubinga:


Reminds me of my Pomelle Bubinga guitar, posted earlier in this thread.
Isn't it the sexiest wood ever? I love the way the wood just glows.
I picked up this book matched set of Curly Sinker Redwood yesterday.
Not sure what type of geetar it will go towards, but I could not pass it up.
I'm wide open to suggestions...


looks like the batch from Oregon Wildwood .  I've gotten several sets there , good folks. 

It would look great on a single cut or LPS
greywolf said:
looks like the batch from Oregon Wildwood .  I've gotten several sets there , good folks. 

It would look great on a single cut or LPS

I forgot to mention who it was from, but you are dead on.  It is from Oregon Wildwood  :icon_thumright:
This is the first piece I have ordered from them, but I am glad to hear they have a good rep...
I don't have a LPS, so that might be a good option.