
Why no binding for Teles with a forearm contour?

I notice that I can specify binding in the Strat builder with a forearm contour but I can't do the same with a Tele body. Is there any reason for this?
look at a strat and the compound angles a forearm route develops,it would be extremely hard and expensive to get a binding in there and for it to stay.
Teletuby said:
look at a strat and the compound angles a forearm route develops,it would be extremely hard and expensive to get a binding in there and for it to stay.

Not sure with CNC... hand-routing it is very hard... but CNC has it good points... and they do on Strat, but seems like not on Tele, as the OP said...
I'd get in touch with Warmoth, perhaps it's avaiable, but not put into the builder yet...
Hannaugh, is your LP masked, or traditionally bound? If, it's trad, which do you prefer?

I also have to tell you that both your LP and your Strat are two of the prettiest guitars I've ever seen pictures of. Great jobs on both. You must absolutely love them.
Thanks!  Yeah, I love both of them.  They're totally different and yet both fantastic instruments.

The LP has ivoroid binding.  I would say if the primary reason that you want a binding is to protect the edges from getting all banged up, I would go for traditional if you're getting a guitar with fairly square edges.  I think an LP needs protection there more than something that has the softer edges, like a Strat.  On the other hand, if you want binding for the look, masked looks really nice, in my opinion.  I really like both ways to do it, it just depends on the guitar and what you want/need. 

The other reason I went with the ivoroid binding on the LP is because I had ivoroid on the neck. 


God, but those are lovely guitars. Thanks for the new pics and your input! Can't wait to see the bass finished!
Teletuby said:
look at a strat and the compound angles a forearm route develops,it would be extremely hard and expensive to get a binding in there and for it to stay.
But pearl binding is offered on Strats with a forearm contour. Not Teles though. Why not?
Stringtheorist said:
I notice that I can specify binding in the Strat builder with a forearm contour but I can't do the same with a Tele body. Is there any reason for this?

I rarely hear requests for drop top binding on Telecasters.  The vast majority of the requests I see are for old school bodies or models like the La Cab.  Forearm contours *and* binding are relatively low demand.  Therefore, that option has not been programmed.  You're welcome to call in and see if a one off body could be done, but be prepared for a premium charge for the extra work.