
Where White Man Went Wrong

Death by Uberschall

Master Member
Agreed :icon_thumright:

I live in a small town in Quebec where there's a blend of native Americans and white people and I think by trying to assimilate them we just took everything they had. It's very sad in my opinion.
I understand that this is meant to be humorous, but many indians such as myself do not find it to be funny.
First of all, it's not accurate
Secondly, it stereotypes all american indian people into a singular culture (buffalo hunters, fur trappers, chauvanism) when in fact there are more the 500 indigineous tribes in the North American Continent, with cultures and languages spread out quite diversely.
Thirdly, while it attempts to provoke humor, it does so at the expense of indigineous people in a disrespectful manner.

Mind you, I'm speaking from my own perspective, and the perspective of many other indigineous people whom find value, honor, and fullfillment in our traditions, many of which have dwindled over the past few centuries due to force aculterization.  If you happen to also be of indigineous decent & are not offended, more power to you.
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
I understand that this is meant to be humorous, but many indians such as myself do not find it to be funny.
First of all, it's not accurate
Secondly, it stereotypes all american indian people into a singular culture (buffalo hunters, fur trappers, chauvanism) when in fact there are more the 500 indigineous tribes in the North American Continent, with cultures and languages spread out quite diversely.
Thirdly, while it attempts to provoke humor, it does so at the expense of indigineous people in a disrespectful manner.

Mind you, I'm speaking from my own perspective, and the perspective of many other indigineous people whom find value, honor, and fullfillment in our traditions, many of which have dwindled over the past few centuries due to force aculterization.  If you happen to also be of indigineous decent & are not offended, more power to you.

This reminds me of a well known (at least over here :) ) dutch comedian who once ridiculed all major religions in a matter of 10 minutes in a hilarious way, using every stereotype about those religions known to man.

To me, it was like his message was: Let's not feel too offended when someones makes a joke and nothing more than just a joke about a group you associate yourself with. You'll probably laugh just as hard as anyone else when it's about any other group of people.
baskruit said:
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
I understand that this is meant to be humorous, but many indians such as myself do not find it to be funny.
First of all, it's not accurate
Secondly, it stereotypes all american indian people into a singular culture (buffalo hunters, fur trappers, chauvanism) when in fact there are more the 500 indigineous tribes in the North American Continent, with cultures and languages spread out quite diversely.
Thirdly, while it attempts to provoke humor, it does so at the expense of indigineous people in a disrespectful manner.

Mind you, I'm speaking from my own perspective, and the perspective of many other indigineous people whom find value, honor, and fullfillment in our traditions, many of which have dwindled over the past few centuries due to force aculterization.  If you happen to also be of indigineous decent & are not offended, more power to you.

This reminds me of a well known (at least over here :) ) dutch comedian who once ridiculed all major religions in a matter of 10 minutes in a hilarious way, using every stereotype about those religions known to man.

To me, it was like his message was: Let's not feel too offended when someones makes a joke and nothing more than just a joke about a group you associate yourself with. You'll probably laugh just as hard as anyone else when it's about any other group of people.

Honestly, I do not, lest it happen to me.
I completely agree with TonyFlyingSquirrel.

What I can't stand are all the "comedians" who's entire acts consist of unfunny racist crap. Sadly, I have witnessed the following stand-up routine:

Hey, how y'all doin' tonight?

Ethnic joke, derogatory ethnic joke, profanity, ethnic joke.

Profanity, sexist joke.

Profanity, profanity.

Sexist ethnic joke!

Thank you, you've been great!

It's possible to make jokes without tearing down an entire culture... but it requires at least some wit.
Biggus Pickus said:
I completely agree with TonyFlyingSquirrel.

What I can't stand are all the "comedians" who's entire acts consist of unfunny racist crap. Sadly, I have witnessed the following stand-up routine:

Hey, how y'all doin' tonight?

Ethnic joke, derogatory ethnic joke, profanity, ethnic joke.

Profanity, sexist joke.

Profanity, profanity.

Sexist ethnic joke!

Thank you, you've been great!

It's possible to make jokes without tearing down an entire culture... but it requires at least some wit.


I saw a Russel Peters special on Comedy Central once. EVERY ONE OF HIS JOKES was about race. And I mean EVERY LAST ONE.
I got 20 minutes into his hour long performance, and I got tired of it.

TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
baskruit said:
TonyFlyingSquirrel said:
I understand that this is meant to be humorous, but many indians such as myself do not find it to be funny.
First of all, it's not accurate
Secondly, it stereotypes all american indian people into a singular culture (buffalo hunters, fur trappers, chauvanism) when in fact there are more the 500 indigineous tribes in the North American Continent, with cultures and languages spread out quite diversely.
Thirdly, while it attempts to provoke humor, it does so at the expense of indigineous people in a disrespectful manner.

Mind you, I'm speaking from my own perspective, and the perspective of many other indigineous people whom find value, honor, and fullfillment in our traditions, many of which have dwindled over the past few centuries due to force aculterization.  If you happen to also be of indigineous decent & are not offended, more power to you.

This reminds me of a well known (at least over here :) ) dutch comedian who once ridiculed all major religions in a matter of 10 minutes in a hilarious way, using every stereotype about those religions known to man.

To me, it was like his message was: Let's not feel too offended when someones makes a joke and nothing more than just a joke about a group you associate yourself with. You'll probably laugh just as hard as anyone else when it's about any other group of people.

Honestly, I do not, lest it happen to me.

i agree with everything you said. and this is obviously something you feel strongly about, I don't doubt you have your reasons. But its impossible nowadays to make any kind of joke or remark about anything without someone somewhere being offended. I'm sure there are many indiginous people who might find that funny. I'm not critizing your remark cause i feel strongly about your right to say it. Obviously i have never lived among many indiginous people but i've never in my life regarded them as chauvanistic, people get most of their stereotypes from tv which is a sad fact of life.

I do beleive there is a lack of knowledge sorrounding the issue, much of what ive read in books is almost always biased to western societies crazy beleif that we exist under a some sort of superior moral code, your traditions many have been passed down and so forth but that is the knowledge to which the rest of the western society is blind.

Although its sad to see traditions lost, there is some traditions in the world that i would love to see the back of, such as tradition that allows 10 year old girls to be married to men 3 or 4 times their age. (that is my personal beleif) however i dont beleive we have a right to walk into a culture and apply a new moral code and force a change in someones principals and beleifs, i might not agree with them and i might be almost sickened by some of them, but i respect other cultures and ways of thinking and would defend their right to practice their traditions in most situations, I'm not very well educated on others cultures and its something ive not studyed for any great length of time, but out of everything ive read about, there is nothing ive found more sickening and scary then the way western civilisation has treated human beings. I find it peticularly scary that only 50 years ago we had racial segregation. And the blind arrogance that we somehow had and still have a superior moral code to the rest of the world.  :sad1:

Just my thoughts, i know this is a very very fragile topic that could easily spiral into very heated debate. i mean no disrespect to anyone or their culture and i apologize in advance to anyone my opinion might offend.

Peace  :glasses10:
line6man said:

I saw a Russel Peters special on Comedy Central once. EVERY ONE OF HIS JOKES was about race. And I mean EVERY LAST ONE.
I got 20 minutes into his hour long performance, and I got tired of it.

is he the Indian/Canadian guy? I actually thought he was funny, and I know several Asian persons who think he's hilarious. apparently he 'targets' Asian stereotypes a lot..
Marko said:
line6man said:

I saw a Russel Peters special on Comedy Central once. EVERY ONE OF HIS JOKES was about race. And I mean EVERY LAST ONE.
I got 20 minutes into his hour long performance, and I got tired of it.

is he the Indian/Canadian guy? I actually thought he was funny, and I know several Asian persons who think he's hilarious. apparently he 'targets' Asian stereotypes a lot..


It's funny for a little while, but after a few jokes, it gets ridiculous to me. Tell jokes about something else for a while! :dontknow:
I'd make a suggestion, but unfortunately there are no serious offers of a sense of humor available on eBay at this time:


The item originally posted is deprecative of white people if anything.

Maybe we should just eliminate the "Off Topic" category and kill all threads not related to building guitars on this board....

Biggus Pickus said:
I completely agree with TonyFlyingSquirrel.

What I can't stand are all the "comedians" who's entire acts consist of unfunny racist crap. Sadly, I have witnessed the following stand-up routine:

I guess you should have seen the act I mentioned to know what I mean. And understand it of course (since it's in dutch). American stand-up comedy usually just isn't all that funny IMHO but that's probably just a cultural thing since I'm European. Anyhow, This was my last post in this thread. It's only a matter of hours before this thread turns really ugly.  :laughing7:
baskruit said:
Biggus Pickus said:
I completely agree with TonyFlyingSquirrel.

What I can't stand are all the "comedians" who's entire acts consist of unfunny racist crap. Sadly, I have witnessed the following stand-up routine:

I guess you should have seen the act I mentioned to know what I mean. And understand it of course (since it's in dutch). American stand-up comedy usually just isn't all that funny IMHO but that's probably just a cultural thing since I'm European. Anyhow, This was my last post in this thread. It's only a matter of hours before this thread turns really ugly.  :laughing7:

Was it Hans Teeuwen?
Strange world we live in where we have completely lost our sense of humor.  :icon_scratch:  You could also insert the word "Sad" in place of "Strange".  :sad:

It was just a joke, and the way I read it was a joke on the White Man, not the Indian. I'm a white male, I didn't get offended by it. I actually think there was some truth in what was said about how the white man has gone wrong by getting away from a simpler life.  :dontknow:

Tony, no offense was intended.  :occasion14:
Ever since I seceded from the human species and started my own*, I've come to realize - your kind disgusts me! :cool01:

There is something WRONG with "comedy" and "humor" these days, there's so very, very much of it - and it's not FUNNY. I don't even understand TV sit-coms, and never really have - the only way I can tell when to laugh is when the laugh track instructs me to.... :sad:

* (applications now being accepted, $25,000 handling fee required) :help:
Yep - the jokes on the white man.  The joke is also written so the indian appears to be much wiser.

Whiteys everywhere should be offended!  :o

Oh and just for the record, I'm a German-Irish-Czech-French American.

(actually, I was born in f'n America, so that obviously makes me an f'n American, not a German-Irish-Czech-French American)

Finally, here's a little Sensitivity Training 101 by the masters; Sammy-approved:


Like I've suggested before to all:  stop taking yourself, your ethnicity, your race, whatever ... so g-damn seriously, and join the
human f'n race already.  And if you live in America, then call yourself an American... like the rest of us do.  What, you think
you're better than everyone else?

And once again I will humbly suggest that if you're gonna pick on a race, pick on those gosh-darned Canadians, dontchaknow?
No matter where you come from or where you or your parents were born, each and every one of us is a Homo Sapien 

"Can't we all just get along,"  Rodney King during the LA race riots
