
Where to buy Cabot Lacquer?


Junior Member
Ive been searching all over the place for practically a month and cannot find a place to buy cabot...
Anyone know of online dealers?
I tried lowes even asked if they would order a case for me but they said they couldn't
If you're in the USA or Canada, you can go to the Cabot webpage and locate a bricks'n'mortar retailer at http://www.cabotstain.com/products/dealer-locator.html by entering your ZIP or postal code.

Ran across this online retailer on the first results page of a Google search for "cabot lacquer":  http://doitbest.com/Varnishes+and+shellacs-Valspar+Corp-model-144.0008052.076-doitbest-sku-778961.dib
Thank you that retailer doesnt deliver to homes but i was lucky to find a store near me where I could order their products