
What to put on a rosewood board???


Senior Member
so I want to clean my fretboard on my guitar and I was wondering what product to use??  It is a pair of highend PRS so I can NOT screw this up. i went without a car to be able to buy these so I normally dont touch them other than to play but I want to learn how to do some of my own set up and what not. what should I put on the board? both are rosewood!

Lighter fluid (naphtha) and yes I'm serious.  You'll want to oil the board afterwards. 

Before that, tape off the wood area with masking tape and clean the frets with 0000 steel wool.  It'll remove the fret crud and bring back a nice shine.
slashgnr88 said:
wow crazy. never would have guessed that. what oil should I use after?

Just regular lemon oil that you can get at most hardware stores.
mayfly said:
slashgnr88 said:
wow crazy. never would have guessed that. what oil should I use after?

Just regular lemon oil that you can get at most hardware stores.
Lemon oil (not to be confused with lemon JUICE from the supermarket) and StewMac Fretboard conditioner both work for me.  Some (not all) of the stuff in the big guitar stores is bad.  A bottle of the good stuff will last a long time.
does PRS possibly make something in house that they sell?? possibly online or something???

Thanks for the help guys!!!!
Yes they do.  But seriously, its overpriced lemon oil.

A light Lemon oil in a 4 ounce bottle. Use with PRS polishing cloth. Not recommened for Maple fingerboards. Avoid contact with finish.

Rosewood sould not need to be cleaned all that often.

Naptha would work well and will not hurt the wood.  There are also a lot of fretboard cleaners at music stores that are very inexpensive too.

I have ALWAYS used rosewood, 5+ guitars now.  I will do is wipe with a soft cloth when changing the strings and use a soft toothbrush around the frets to get any grime that may have built up.  I also treat with plain old OLIVE OIL once or twice a year....Extra Virgin of course!! :laughing8:

all my fretboards are smooth as silk with no signs or wear.  One Charvel I have been doing this for 20+ years so I know it is safe.
Wana's_makin'_a_guitar said:
Wait up, can just crank open a lighter for the fluid, of do recommend to buy a bottle of it?  My board looks a bit yuk too.
Buy a bottle.  Just don't confuse Naphtha with Butane.  :laughing7:
For the oil, use mineral oil ... the kind you buy in the drugstore.  Some lemon oils have detergeants in them that you don't want.
Olive/vegetable oils can rot.  Use mineral oil or "flavored" mineral oil like lemon oil.  I use orange, because I like oranges  :toothy12:
dbw said:
Olive/vegetable oils can rot.  Use mineral oil or "flavored" mineral oil like lemon oil.  I use orange, because I like oranges  :toothy12:

+1.  Orange eh?  hmmmm.....
Try Lizard Spit fretboard conditioner. 

Orange oil based.  Should be able to get some for under 10 bucks.

Probably on the expensive side but made for purpose.  Though that doesn't mean it's any different than your run of the mill orange / lemon oil - but at least someone's selling it as specifically formulated for guitar fretboards which is reassuring for the more paranoid / ignorant amongst us (myself included).