Incidentally, here's the original by The Bangles, if you've the urge to listen to some one-hit-wonder-style pop. If nothing else, you get to fantasize over Suzanne Hoffs lookin' nice and slutty with big hair and lotsa mascara.
The video is obviously staged, since none of the amp power lights are on and the drummer is conspicuously missing. It's actually a kind of curious tune in that the drums are out of sync with the tune on purpose. Turns out if you delay the drum track a bit, you create a sort of tension. (Trower's engineer used to do it to his guitar - listen to just about any tune on "Bridge of Sighs" and he's always just a hair late). In this case, the drums are far enough out that it would be difficult in the extreme to play the tune effectively in a live setting. Everybody would be tripping balls trying to maintain timing.
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