We certainly have swung way too far the other way. But 1) back then, we sort of accepted people would be killed by their toasters, washers, amps, and what not. Not a lot, but hey man, it happens. 2) The McDonalds coffee incident - the woman had 3rd degree burns to her privates, 3) McDonalds intentionally served the coffee way too hot to drink in order to cut down on refills. (You'll be done eating by the time you drink your coffee), 4) The damages awarded was not just pulled from thin air. It was determined by the McDonald Corporations **COFFEE** profits for ***ONE DAY***. Would you pour scalding hot water resulting in permanent damage on your privates for $640k? (The amount the judge finally awarded. $2.7mil was just the headline initial award. It was reduced later. The question still stands.) She spent 8 days in the hospital and required multiple skin grafts.
But yeah, we have crazy awards and insanity in the courts, but the one case everyone likes to trumpet isn't really a good poster child for tort reform.