
What happened to the pics??


Junior Member
Whatever happened to the random pictures from inside the Warmoth shop that used to be posted every week or so ? I really enjoyed seeing the newest eye candy be worked on.
jwl68th said:
Whatever happened to the random pictures from inside the Warmoth shop that used to be posted every week or so ? I really enjoyed seeing the newest eye candy be worked on.

We've been crazy busy.  I'll talk to Gregg and see if either of us can set some time aside.  We have a new dust collection silo that is pretty amazing, IMO.
Here's around the shop just 10 minutes ago. That new exhaust duct work is colossal in size.
Why do I expect Harry Buttle to come swooping into the Warmoth shop on a zipline to fix the ducts?
This firebird is awesome, but someones messed up and cut it the wrong way... :doh:

Gregg said:

Drool, drool.  Wenge and Purpleheart Gecko neck blanks look (and feel) so nice.  "No neck holes" implies a custom order...

Is that a Bloodwood Jazz neck in the other picture?  What kind of frets are on that?  :icon_biggrin:
