Tough to say.
B.C. Rich may be a little stabby about using their precious outline, or it could be that there's not much call for it so nobody's invested the time/effort to program their CNC to spit the things out. Either way, the end result is the same: it's unavailable.
You could always buy a pre-routed slab body/neck and cut your own version/copy of their thing. Chances are pretty good they'd never hunt you down and kill you. But, it would require some fairly serious tools and talent to do so and I'm not sure it'd be worth it. I mean, think about it. The world hasn't exactly been beating a path to B.C.Rich's door so far. I think they make some interesting stuff, but it's certainly nothing to write home about.
If they don't want to work and play well with others, that's fine. Who's losing? Hint: not us.