
What color Pick gaurd on a Mary Kaye


Junior Member
Parchment or plain white opions requested.  I'm leaning toward parchment knobs and pick gauard.
White, cream, mint, tan, tortoise, black... heck, white goes with alot of stuff. Tortoise would be my 1st choice, but only by a hair.
tortise was the other one i had in mind  but then i kind of wanted to stay true to the fender origenal. maybe i should just order both  then the one i don't use caan go on the next project
TRG said:
tortise was the other one i had in mind  but then i kind of wanted to stay true to the fender origenal. maybe i should just order both  then the one i don't use caan go on the next project

White bodies are one of the very few that look good with tortoise, so if you ever had an urge for a tortoise 'guard, now's the time. But, if it was me, I'd be putting black on there, with white pickup covers, knobs, and ends. Then, black hardware would be best, but you could get away with chrome.
It'd be interesting to see how a 1-ply black bakelite pickguard with parchment pickup covers and knobs looked.
I tried mint green and it didn't work.  Mary Kaye's can be difficult because the white of the finish, the amount of wood showing through, and the color of the wood showing through all effect the final body look.  Then there is the problem of not all mint greens being the same.  I went with a three ply white, black, white because it made the parchment knobs and the body coexist nicely.  Also if you have a dark or light colored neck it can influence if a light pick guard or a dark one looks good.  But the final, and in my opinion necessary, step for my Mary Kaye Strat was the bakelite pickup covers.  Really tied it all together.

Here's a mockup with 5 different pickguard ideas (didn't know if you had a light or dark fingerboard)
Callaham Parchment.
Like Mick said, paint it black.

White, with parchment knobs.

We tried a tortoise guard, and it was as if the tortoise guard was too "warm" looking, and the MK white was too "cool" looking, and didn't match.
