
Wenge/wenge Gecko wide 5

WezV said:
bending can seem a little odd at first on fanned fret instruments  - but you adjust quickly.    I know they look a little odd but it really is no more difficult than switching between two guitars with different scale lengths.. feels a bit odd the first time but then its easy to switch between them all the time

Really nice work with a lot of logarithmic math. Beautiful!

Where is easier (ergonomic) to play, higher or lower tonality? I think higher!?

Danish oil is Your recommendation for wenge? Did You sanding surface before oiling?

i definatly sanded before finishing - this was rough sawn wood before i started!!  It gets sanded through teh grits to about 800 wet and dry.  AT that point i pour some oil on and continue sanding through 800-1500 grits, wiping off the gunk and adding more oil between each grit.  it feels awesome!!

there isnt too mcuh maths involved in these things.  You just pick a scale for the bass and treble  strings and join the dots.

its ergonomic at all points.  people tend to move there hand in an arc as they go up and down the neck and this follows it.  people thing chords near the nut will be difficult but they are not (unless you give it a stupidly large fan).  up the body end is much easier as the frets seem to fall unedr your fingers much more naturally

you can control all this by controlling the difference between the scale lengths and deciding where to centre the fan.  I usually start my fan between the 5-7th frets
WezV said:
i definatly sanded before finishing - this was rough sawn wood before i started!!  It gets sanded through teh grits to about 800 wet and dry.  AT that point i pour some oil on and continue sanding through 800-1500 grits, wiping off the gunk and adding more oil between each grit.  it feels awesome!!

there isnt too mcuh maths involved in these things.  You just pick a scale for the bass and treble  strings and join the dots.

Thank You for very useful info

About logarithmic - I supposed like You wrote, scale low E and high E and connect given dots...
About my Project...

Yesterday, Warmoth noticed me that They don’t have X5 pickup rout in their programming so They can to do that by hand, the upcharge is $XX.

So I decided to buy Seymour Duncan SSB5 set from Warmoth. SSB5 is moderate, warm and punch humbucker with normal affordable price.

Less space for the fingers, but acceptable solution.

The good news from the Warmoth...
The order shipped on Friday... :smile_which_eats_nails:

My friend picked up the packages from Custom office for me. Didn't see guitar yet, bcs. I am in Croatia until July 10th.

Quote his words when opened packages :"BEAUTIFUL!!!"

The pictures coming after 7/10th.

Greetings from Adriatic Sea...