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Welcome to the forum...

Here you will find a list of useful links if you are getting started building parts casters and are looking for information and guidance that you may find useful.
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Firstly if you are new to the forum this is where you can find the guidelines and rules, tips on avatar sizing and how to post YouTube videos.

The below link applies more to the old forum software and is not relevant for the new forum software introduced in August 2022.

Posting Music you are listening to...

Heavy / Progressive Rock

Jazz and jazz related such as Fusion...

Metal Genres

General music

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Here are some links to some of the builds I have documented which contain some useful information and discussion.

Notable Build Threads of other members

Cagey L5S build thread

Electrix XII build thread from @amigarobbo

Bass VI style Fretless, with Sustainiac from @amigarobbo

See also a
post with links to various information and discussion regarding 12 strings link in Useful tips and tricks below.

A useful pair of build and featured build threads covering the thought and design process and lessons learned along the way.

Useful tips and tricks.

A useful thread started by Cagey on Burnishing Raw necks, useful if you have an exotic wood or roasted maple neck that does not require a finish.

Cagey on which threaded inserts to use

Cagey on installing threaded inserts

Cagey's method for handling warped necks

A useful thread on how to set up a Tremolo or Floyd Rose to float.

Shims to adjust the Radius of a Floyd Rose.

A thread with lots of links regarding wiring etc.

Tips on grounding hard tail bridges.

A Warmoth Blog entry with useful information on output jacks...

A post with links to various information and discussion regarding 12 strings.

Warmoth Guitar Products Videos and Threads

What is the hole at the heel of a neck?

All other videos not yet listed can be found here.

The Warmoth Guitar Products You Tube Video Channel

Warmoth Blog Articles

The shocking truth about Warmoth's fretwork straight from @aarontunes pen/keyboard if not the horse's mouth.

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Thanks all.

I will over time add links to this thread and update the posts. Let me know if there is something you would like to be added.
Any hobbiest should have these on the bookshelf, if they are interested in making an electric guitar from sourced parts.
Buy them (the books) used, they're cheaper:

The Guitar Player Repair Guide by Dan Erlewine
How to Make Your Electric Guitar Play GREAT! by Dan Erlewine
The Guitar Handbook by Ralph Denyer 
1001 Guitars to Dream of Playing before you Die by Terry Burrows (Lots of ideas for designing your guitar)
The Fender Telecaster by A.R. Duchossoir
The Stratocaster by A.R. Duchossoir

(I'll add some more when I can look at my bookshelf)
DIY Guitar Repair by Pieter J. Fillet
Wood Finishing by Michael Dresdner

I wish I had some books on Guitar wiring and amp maintenance, like how to repair a scratchy pot and such.

Unoff War wiring links


Stew Mac Link on how to adjust truss rod and other set up.

Update: 31 August 2022

Using a combination of Google Advanced search and also this forum's search, I have been able to update all the links referenced in this thread, including those which were a bit more obscure to find as the information was buried in a post in a thread. All links should now be working with the new forum software introduced this month.

Also added under the "Notable Build Threads of other members" @Cagey L5S build thread.

If you have a notable build thread or know of one to suggest for inclusion, please let me know.

Notable means that the thread must contain useful build information, how to tips, etc and be comprehensive.
Any info on how to add my Primo Build pic from a while ago to my signature?

I have the pic saved.

To add any picture to your signature, click on your username at the top right of the page, then click on signature, and then use the insert image icon just the same as you would in a post. Then save.
To add any picture to your signature, click on your username at the top right of the page, then click on signature, and then use the insert image icon just the same as you would in a post. Then save.
Does the pic have to be hosted online somewhere? it wants me to provide a URL?
Does the pic have to be hosted online somewhere? it wants me to provide a URL?
Yes, you need a URL to somewhere online. It can also be on this site as you can create a personal album in Add Media, or post the image to a thread and then copy the URL link to that and add it to your signature via URL. You can then click on the picture in Signature and edit the size, provide alt text and add a link to it so that when someone clicks on the image it points to a build or gallery thread for example.