
Weight of Padouk vs. Maple

Unique choice finger board/binding//sharkfin inlays/quilt veneer on headstock: All these equal to a lot of money so you would lose if you were going to sell it or just order a similar one. The PRO necks are heavier than single truss rods, I have one and I don't want another. Thankfully mine is in a mid weight body and balances well but in general it's not a good idea to pair light weight bodies with PRO necks.

It would be a good idea if you could pair it with a single rod neck from lighter woods but Warmoth does not manufacture angled VM necks. I agree about keeping the neck, a good belt will help when you play.
FWIW, I found the fix.  Cagey hit on it with the forward strap mount location.  I had it on the back of the body, just below the neck plate.  I drilled out a strap button to accommodate a neck screw, then mounted the strap button using the upper left neck screw (longer screw also, of course).  Now it is perfectly balanced. 
I'm glad that worked out for you.

Personally, I couldn't tolerate a guitar I couldn't sit with, but that's just me. I'm half-assed crippled, so I don't wanna fight with my instruments. Most of those old acid-trip induced designs Gibson came up with won't work for me. Leo wasn't much of a mechanical engineer, but he had the right idea when it came to body comfort.