
Waterslide decals

No......but it's not a bad idea
What, like a good idea like you would always do it or good idea you should probably do, but dont always do it.

A luthier told me to dont that to finish over the decal if you mix a little white glue into the water you soak the decal in. He says they harden up pretty good with that method and are durable enough like that. I remembered this little perl of wisdom after I had finished applying it.

I can finish over it no problem, but I have to get my luthier to do it as I cant get the right lacquer I need to do the job myself. Satin non uv protect lacquer is impossible to find here. My luthier is very good, but he takes an age to do any sort of finish work and I know he is busy with a lot of jobs at the moment.
guitlouie said:
A luthier told me to dont that to finish over the decal

I think your lutier may have been tipsy.

haha, just typing fast and not reading back. I really should, I am dyslexic and sometimes it shows. You get what I mean though............ maybe.  :icon_thumright:
It's purely subjective. For longevity's sake (if I were to apply a waterslide decal) - *I* would probably apply a finish over it. That's just me. One has to consider the quality of the decal, as well. Some are good - some are not (and consequently smear/run). As it is......I have oiled Warmoth necks, and have no decals or identification on the headstock. YOU have to make the call...
On my Warmoths, I made custom logos with my last name.  Did them in super thin, adhesive metallic decal material.  (similar to the Fender logos on their USA deluxe series).

After sticking it on, I did 10-12 coats of clear wipe on poly.  That logo ain't going NO WHERE now!  :icon_biggrin:

I've also done the 10 coats over a traditional water slide, and it turned out great.  I would reccomend finishing over any decal.