You look very much like one of my early mentors. I mean, you could almost be twins, although he was shaped more like Leslie West.
Fun guy. Always in the local news, although not usually in a Good Way. He did not suffer fools gladly, and was unafraid of bringing a Howitzer to a fistfight. We grew up in a dying neighborhood, where street fights were frequent and often based on little more than your looks. But, the decline was good for musicians, in a way. The various KofC, Eagles, and VFW halls didn't get a lot of bookings or use, so you could rent them cheap. Local bands could get one for $100/night, drop in a few kegs of cheap beer, charge $2 at the door and end up way ahead of the game while gaining notoriety. Theoretically, they'd get discovered and get rich. Think Bob Seger.
You had to know when to leave those hall parties, though, lest you end up in the pokey with the rest of the fools. This was the '70s, and psychedelic drugs were still as popular as they were in the '60s, and of course booze is always yummy on top of that. Makes for some real maniacs.