
Warmoth Polo shirts

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Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Since most of the civilized world has now deemed smoking and smokers the worst of the worst, what is a front pocket even needed for?
you ask this and your an electrician? they are for voltage detectors
Jusatele said:
you ask this and your an electrician? they are for voltage detectors

I've run pipe for the last 6 months.  No possibilty of electricity.  Besides, I'm the dork in the lime green reflective safety vests, which has pockets....for my cigarettes.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Since most of the civilized world has now deemed smoking and smokers the worst of the worst, what is a front pocket even needed for?

Where are you from? Nobody around me minds, and not alot of people around me smoke. It's the same as drinking. Some do, some don't.
Paul-less said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Since most of the civilized world has now deemed smoking and smokers the worst of the worst, what is a front pocket even needed for?

Where are you from? Nobody around me minds, and not alot of people around me smoke. It's the same as drinking. Some do, some don't.

Smoking is becoiming quite an evil habit in Australia tbh. Very few places allowed to smoke legally, not even allowed to smoke in the car with a kid present (serious). But our Federal Govt. still takes a huge tax on each packet sold, they say it is being used to fund healthcare.... :confused4:
Paul-less said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Since most of the civilized world has now deemed smoking and smokers the worst of the worst, what is a front pocket even needed for?

Where are you from? Nobody around me minds, and not alot of people around me smoke. It's the same as drinking. Some do, some don't.

You can't do it much anywhere indoors anymore around these parts.  Austin, the free and easy if it feels good do it part of Texas, writes tickets.  I've heard the same in San Diego.  New York is about to ban it in public.
Yeah, and a lot of people get really narky if you stand next to them and smoke in Oz. What surprises me is that these hypocrites complain about second hand smoke, (and No I don't smoke), but then then will go and fill their house with chemicals, and are more than happy to breath that in.