
Warmoth Neck, UK Total Cost ?


Senior Member
Hi guys.
I've decided I really want a fat neck on my strat. I have very large hands (not freakishly large, just good strong manly hands  :laughing11:) and am finding my Am Std strat neck to be a bit of a chore. I'm feeling a bit limited and cramped by it's thinness, I played a squier the other day and the neck felt better to me because it was a bit beefier.

Now, the question. If plump up the cash for a $300ish showcase / custom neck (boat or fatback probably), how much is it really going to cost ? I live in the UK (mainland, nothing exotic), and would love to be able to put a UK Pounds (£) figure on the exact cost of buying, shipping, paying taxes etc. I could get hold of a strat neck over here on eBay, but it won't be exactly what a want. Are there any UK members who have an idea ?
From my experiance shipping from the US to overseas, the USPS charges by thw weight....And I know Warmoth charges $12 shipping to me here in the US....But that's thru UPS.....So I'd guesstimate somewhere between $20-$30 to ship to the UK... :dontknow:
I can tell you precisely how much.... (I've got my invoice right in front of me, from Oct 2010)

I bought a Wenge / Pau Ferro, Std Thin, SS6150 neck with graphtec Earvana and Metal logo, T-Shirt etc.

Guitar parts came to $305.25
Shipping to UK was UPS standard $52.96
So total Warmoth bill was $358.21 = Approx £225.70 (depending on exchange rates at the time)

Then UPS charged me an additional £52 for import duty, VAT and whatever else.....

So total was

Hope that helps.

Dont forget to post pics.


EDIT:  That was to send it to my work address in Buckinghamlandershire.....  :icon_thumright:
This is something I've wondered about a lot myself. I may well order a Warmoth neck and body sometime next year, and while the shipping charges are given on Warmoth's site, and VAT is easily to calculate (17.5% of the total cost INCLUDING shipping, increasing to 20% in January,) the real mystery factor is customs duty...

The HMRC website is not exactly helpful, stating that customs duty has to be paid on goods imported to the UK, but the amount varies depending on what the goods are - there is nothing more specific than that. :icon_scratch: :sad:

General advice I have seen on here and other forums is to expect that the total price will be about 25% more than the US price after adding shipping; if and when I actually order something, I'll post the specific figures to help other UK residents.

Edit: jimh beat me to it - pretty close to the 25% suggested - but don't forget this will increase when the VAT goes up...