
Want badly to see/play a VIP - anyone near me?


I'm in the Lansing, MI area. I'm a serious player who already has a Warmoth, main guitar is a Melancon, looking to invest major money in a VIP. But I would like to see one first and play it at least briefly. I am willing to drive a reasonable distance - maybe two hours one way, which covers Detroit, northern Indiana, Toledo area, would stretch to include Chicago.

I'm an easy guy to hang with, no hassles there. I'm unconcerned about specs at this time, just want to see one first-hand.

Serious responders can email me: gmiller77@sbcglobal.net, and I'll check back here as well.

Thanks -

There are a lot of variables on any guitar, and especially so from Warmoth builds. I'm not sure what you'd gain by playing one somebody else built. It's highly unlikely it's going to play or sound like whatever you'd like to build. For instance, if I built one, I'd be using a thinline Warmoth Pro neck with either stainless or gold frets on some kind of incredibly hard wood fingerboard. That's going to feel dramatically different from a vintage style neck with a SRV contour, nickel/silver frets, and a rosewood 'board. Plus, I'd probably use a chambered body, while somebody else might not. Then, there's the wood choices. And pickup combinations? Only about eleventy-bajillion choices there. And what about the bridge? It's highly unlikely I'd ever install a Floyd Rose, and some people wouldn't install a vibrato bridge at all, opting for hardtail. I could go on forever.

About the only thing certain is you'd come away impressed with the quality of the thing, but that goes without saying from Warmoth.
i kind of agree with Cagey. one person's warmoth won't be anything like another's. BUT i definitely agree with what you're doing (if that makes any sense :icon_scratch: ). if i had gotten to play a warmoth before i bought mine i would have gone from "pretty damn sure..." to "nothing but a warmoth for me!" i'm sure there are a quite a few warmoth owners in the detroit area alone, the problem is just finding them. sorry i can't help!
Understood - and I should have stated that in the beginning. It is not to judge sound/tone as much as ergonomics, feel, general appearance, etc. I have a very good idea of what I'm looking for and fear the VIP may not quite get me there due to its thickness. It's not just weight, though that is a consideration.

So bottom line, I'd like to see one, hollow, chambered, solid, red, orange, or blue. But it sounds like a tall order. Can't blame a guy for asking.

I have about two grand to invest. I'm looking for something in the same class as my Melancon without the price tag. I love my Warmoth Strat, would be my  number one if not for the Melancon. Anyway, I know I can build a lot of Warmoth for this, a no-holds-barred axe. But it's not easy money and I'd prefer to research things more fully.

Thanks for the responses.


I know I wouldn't mind seeing something like that before I bought. Those VIP bodies are pretty dear for some reason. They're all $600-$900 finished, which is quite a pile. I'm guessing it's because of the carved top, because other than minor shape differences that's about the only difference between one of those and a Strat. But, I have a lot of faith in Warmoth. If I had the money, I'd make the jump. Meanwhile, I just keep on with these raggedy-assed ol' Strat designs... <grin>
When I ordered my new Warmoth neck for my Strat earlier this month, I had a nice, long talk with a Warmoth rep. He said the VIP is the best of all worlds in terms of materials and craftsmanship, definitely a product targeted at the boutique market. He was also the one who advised me that the body is far thicker than the PRS Custom 24 I nearly bought (but rejected as it just didn't play all that well - sure was gorgeous, though), which I was not expecting - and that is much of my concern.

You're right - they are way expensive, but probably worth it. I'd just like to get personal with one first before pulling the trigger. A friend is offering me his Carvin CT which is very similar. I'm tempted and the price is right. I did play one of these once and would have bought it if the funds were in pocket at that time. Very impressive. But I believe a VIP would exceed even that.
Those Carvin CTs are awfully nice...

I'd sure like to get into a VIP, though. Just browsing, I saw this -


and said to myself "self, you need to save up a couple of bucks and chase that baby down!" <grin>
Oh yeah! About the hardest part is picking just one. There are some serious stunners in stock. But some I've seen that are not maple capped look even better to me. There is a mahogany finished body that is amazing. Somebody's completed project - can't remember which offhand - was the prettiest guitar I had ever seen.