Waiter...there's a woma in my Warmoth...

Great Ape

Hero Member
So, I used to be in the reptile business--breeding non-venomous kingsnakes, milksnakes, ratsnakes, bull and pine snakes from all over the U.S. and Mexico. Never did the boa and python thing, but there's one python that I always lusted after, but couldn't afford-they were really expensive back then(more even than a G*bson!). that was the beautiful, mild-mannered and size-managable Woma. They're found only in western Australia, and since I still love snakes, and we have a number of forum members from down under, it was inevitable that I would get around to doing a wood burn featuring a snake, and it had to be a woma, as the alliterative possibilities were simply irresistible. Suffice to say I probably won't put myself through it again--the scale work made me permanently crosseyed....Hope you enjoy it. 
swarfrat said:
Congratulations, you're now a boa constructor.
Now that's some funny shyt rite thar... :laughing11:

Oh, and very cool concept Greg, when i lived in the AZ. as a young lad, we used to go rattlesnake hunttin'...We'd skin 'em and sell the hides and rattlers...And occasionally eat them...

I like the Aboriginal type theme there with the snake, but needs a boomerang... :laughing7:
The snake looks great but I'm really impressed with the Aboriginal design around the edge. Nice!!
Greg I know every one keeps saying .... 'Keep it up, great work'
But can ya slow down a little .... I'm struggling to keep up with your builds.  :icon_biggrin:

Great work  :headbang:  .... That snake is just WOW !!

Did you do the snake showing though on the back side ?  :toothy10:
(That would look cool)

NO don't add a bloody boomerang  :doh:

You gotta have the patience of a saint. I get tired just imagining how much work that's gotta be.

The results are phenomenal, though.
swarfrat said:
Congratulations, you're now a boa constructor.
HOLY CRAP!! I saw this at 5:00AM this morning and promptly dropped my first cup of coffee in my lap!! TOO FUNNY!! :laughing3:
Murray, I was gonna do the woma in the back as well, but it's swamp ash, and the grain and contours were not conducive to anything but a disaster, so, sadly, that cool idea was scrapped.
I'm thinkin' this should have Tonar do the honors on this thing...although I'm the one who'd be honored by his exquisite touch...well, you know what I mean!!
Great Ape said:
I'm thinkin' this should have Tonar do the honors on this thing...although I'm the one who'd be honored by his exquisite touch...well, you know what I mean!!

That was my next comment, off to Tonar.
Are you really working this quick? Or is this a kind of "time lapse"-posting?  :eek:

I have run out of new original nice things to say. So I am starting over again: Wow!
Oh, sure; that one I did yesterday..... :icon_biggrin:Are you kiddin'? I don't sleep a whole lot, start work at 4:30-5:00 am, drink alot of coffee, and do things rather addictively, so, these projects, at least the graphics--burning & painting generally take a week or two.
I am not fond of snakes. scared to death of them actually. But that guitar looks freaking amazing man. I love the red with that flame. makes the details pop out around it.
loversmoon said:
I am not fond of snakes. scared to death of them actually. But that guitar looks freaking amazing man. I love the red with that flame. makes the details pop out around it.

not a huge fan of Snakes either, but this is looking fantastic!
I've never understood the fear of snakes. They don't even have hands or feet, so they're mobility-challenged. Can't carry or manipulate anything. They're basically just hungry ropes with no innate knot knowledge. They have tiny mouths, and outside of Australia there aren't that many that are fatally poisonous. Even rodents can kick their asses in a fair fight. I understand that constrictors can squeeze a rabbit to death, but a human? It's not like they carry guns and handcuffs. We've got fingers with opposable thumbs, which are arguably some of the best weapons extant. I think it's a minor miracle that they've existed as long as they have.
They've been around in the same form for millions of years, so SOMETHING'S workin' foe 'em. Most people don't even KNOW exactly why they hate/fear snakes...99.99% of them are not aggressive toward humans, but sometimes when I see what people do while behind the wheel of a car, I kinda wish we were on their list of prey species!!  :icon_biggrin:
Really? Really?? Is that all you got???  :laughing3:

Seriously. I like this one more than the other two combined, and that's saying something. Love your work!