Volume pot and grounding questions


Junior Member
Ok so I'm using this diagram http://www.guitartechcraig.com/techwire/tech18.jpg to wire up 2 P-90s and a humbucker. I'm using 3 tone and 1 volume as well as the 5 way switch and the double pole switch like in the diagram, though I am not sure where I connect the pots. So does anyone have any idea about where they are to be connected? Also, I don't really understand the concept of grounding, do I have to solder wires to the body?
Don't take me seriously here.  I'm just figuring this stuff out, and wanted to test my understanding,  It seems to me that you'd place your tone pots immediately after your pickups, and your volume control right before your jack.  Just a guess.
You are correct David. The odd thing about this wiring is that there are 4 possible pickup outputs and only 3 tone pots. This diagram seems to be set up for a master tone. It is going to be difficult to put a tone control for each bridge position. I think I would go with a master tone for each pickup minus the single coil bridge. The only time it is split is when connected to another pickup and in that case the other pickup will take on the tone control duties.

So parallel a tone to each pickup output:
Orange: neck
Purple: middle
Black: bridge

The volume will connect to the red tab on the switch. Jumper from one red tab to the other to connect both sides of the switch.
As far as grounding. Only the metal parts of the guitar need to be connected to ground, ( the black wire from the jack.)  Be sure to ground the bridge in some way. A ground between the switch and the pots may be provided through a foil shield on the back of the pickguard. If you are not sure, then solder a wire to the back of each pot (jumper from pot case to pot case).

If you study other diagrams you will see where the connections to the volume and tone pots are to be made. (which tabs)