
Velocity - Take2 - Seafoam/Clear Maple

You got that body, Frank???

I saw that in shipping a week or so ago and thought it was so killer that I took some pics of it with my cell phone.

I had no idea it was for you. That this is killer!
Thanks, brother!

You guys really gave me the boost I needed to roll my sleeves up and power through this one.  She's gonna be what she's gonna be and I'm fine with that.

Ha! I used to work for this guy that swore by that stuff. He would always sell these engine "cleansing and conditioning" treatments. It was Seafoam followed by some Marvel. I'll never forget when Ms. Jenkins walked around the back of the shop to get her smokes and her car was pouring Seafoam goodness out the tailpipe. She swore her car was ruined. She was pretty mad at our owner. It's was amusing to say the least.

10 years ago that stuff was all the hype.  I poured some in my gas tank and rolled down the street at midnight.  Looked like WWII tank battle footage with that one laying down the smoke screen haha!
Have to use a shorter mounting ring and will not be using the 510.  I can't stand the way the strings exit towards the body.  Will use the Schaller Signum I just received and put the TonePros back onto the Tele. 



Just a word of caution with the 501.

When restringing, either bend the string so once poked through the bridge it'll aim upwards away from that beautiful finish.
Another tip is to lay down some painters tape to prevent it from contacting the body surface.
Awesome advice, as usual.  :headbang:

I found a cool way to do it using an empty string envelope.  You can slide the paper under the bridge, load the string, then push the string as you draw the paper out and it will guide it through. 
fdesalvo said:
Awesome advice, as usual.  :headbang:

I found a cool way to do it using an empty string envelope.  You can slide the paper under the bridge, load the string, then push the string as you draw the paper out and it will guide it through.


Guys, I have to be honest - I'm really not hating the way this looks.  I've never really been a huge fan of wood mounted humbuckers, but it's pretty sweet looking here.  I'm gonna compare this look against the shorter humbucker ring look once it arrives Saturday.



I'm with you, I most always turn to pickup rings for applications like that, but man everything about how that guitar is looking just flat WORKS. It's really, really, rediculously good looking.
Bunsen, what you've just said undergirds my belief in sonic karma. I mentioned "Bunsen Burner" as a potential name for one of your builds and you..you, my friend just hand delivered, "Blue Steel" for this one hahaha!!  :toothy12:

But yes. Digging all the permutations on this sucker!
Don't give up on the pickup ring...it'll add continuity with the two singles' covers...see what you think.
I mean, whose guitar is this, after all?!?  :toothy11:
Totally agree. Once the bridge is installed, it's gonna need that little accent to balance all the chrome.