
*** Unofficial Warmoth "ROCK Like an Egyptian" Giveaway! ***

HAHAHAAA!! You guys're gonna be just TOO MUCH fun to tease!! I'm sure these pics will give it all away...NOT!

I think that's a Scarab. Holy beetle in Egypt. Not be confused with a Porterhouse. Holy cow in India.
It's a beetle/scarab and a propeller. Hence the wings. An electrical steampunk bug motif of some sort?

Either way, this is really cool following the images and seeing the shapes come to life.
And another thing - this is a really cool move from Warmoth, since it seems like it has made maaaany people sign up for the forum.

To all of you - Welcome to the best forum I know! :occasion14:
Fat Pete said:
So we got the cockroach part right...
Cockroach? COCKROACH?!!!? Ye of little faith!!! Watch what happens when you give a ''cockroach'' wings! (The, umm, spanking thing is for Doug--big surprise, huh?)

Beetle with feathered wings? What's next? A can of Red Bull?  :laughing7:

I'm in too - I have a Hipshot Contour trem lying around awaiting a home...
D'oh just re-read the small print - routed for a Wilky trem. Hipshot won't fit... :icon_scratch:

Guess I'll just have to go on a parts shopping spree if I'm lucky!  :laughing7:
I had a guitar teacher introduce me to Warmoth in 1991. I bought a soloist body and a compound radius neck that I had custom painted and, as luck would have it, it was put together by a luthier named Greg Curbow in Atlanta. I didn't know it at the time, but he made some of the finest basses in the universe. Early 90's...great time for great players, and great music. Love that guitar. Thanks for the memories Warmoth!