
Universal route on Jazzmaster??


Hero Member
Is a universal route a standard option on a Jazzmaster?  I can't select it when using the body builder.  Can it be done over an existing route on a showcase body? 

Just thought I'd post here since others might like to know.  Please don't reply with "Just email them directly," unless you are attempting to be witty, in which case you are really cool.  But definitely don't post "Just email them directly" to contradict my previous sentiment, because then you would be REALLY awesome.
IMO they should have the universal rout option for all top routed guitar bodies. It's not just strat players who have pickup ADHD!
Not sure about a universal route, but I asked Warmoth a few weeks back if they could do a WRHB route in a Jazzmaster (for a Jazzblaster) but they apparently cannot do it.
smjenkins said:
Not sure about a universal route, but I asked Warmoth a few weeks back if they could do a WRHB route in a Jazzmaster (for a Jazzblaster) but they apparently cannot do it.

That's odd, did they give reasons?

My question in mail: "Can I get a Jazzmaster body routed for Fender Wide Range humbuckers?"
The answer: "This is not an option we offer"

That's all I got. :dontknow: