Unfinished Alder rear-routed HxT Telecaster Body


Epic Member
Hey, sports fans -

This is an alder two-piece body with what I'm sure you'll agree is lovely grain for this species.  When I bought this body, it had no control cavity or neck pickup rout, so I had it rear-routed and prepped for a neck humbucker.  Weight is roughly 4lbs. 6oz.  There is slight compression where the prior owner had attached the neck and screwed down the neckplate tightly.

Make me an offer?


That just might be a worthy candidate for a Blade Runner project, since it's unfinished and not-trem routed.

Hmmmm, gotta think on this one & see if I have any  $$$.
Would you be interested in a trade? Your Warmth  Alder tele body for a vacuum tube pedal: Tube Works BK Butler Blue tube or Guyatone FLIP Metal Monster, your choice. Thanks, Jeff.