If you have any respect for the English language, don't read anything "published" by Yahoo.
Things people say that annoy me:
"a whole 'nother"
"ironic" in situations that are not at all ironic
"irregardless" (it's not a word)
Actually, there are a lot of them. I'm a translator by day (mild-mannered reporter by night...oh wait, I think I got that backwards), so there are a lot of niggly grammatical things that frost my calvinator. Stuff like the use of hyphens or semicolons, or the way people don't use adverbs when the speak. It's best I don't get into them. I'm also great at parties. :laughing7:
Come to think of it, my ex used to come up with some great stuff. She tended to use words she didn't understand in an effort to come off as intelligent. Bugged the hell out of me. But I digress. She also pronounced things strangely, and that really bugged me.
"See that guy over there, acrossed the room?"
"This is so fustrating."
"She's particularily annoying."
Stuff like that.