
Tuning guitar with Floyd onstage?

I vote block the floyd, so it only dive bombs, and get a d-tuna, thats what I'm going to eventually do on my new strat, i never pull up any way.
JamesL said:
Who drops tuning in the middle of a song???
You can...

Closest I've come when I was in a band was going right into moby dick so my drummer could get off, er I mean solo...

EVH used the trans-trem on his steinberger in a couple songs to change keys... I don't see why you couldn't drop d for the same type of effect....
In my old band, we had a song that was kind of power-poppy, then a really short solo, then I would pound the low E, drop it down to D while it was ringing/feeding back, then there was a chugging kind of riff on the rest of the song.  Sure I could have played it all in standard tuning, but the WEEEEEOOOOOWNNNNN effect of dropping that string down was just too cool to pass up.  It's not like I do it all the time or anything, but, yeah, I did it.
I've been using Floyds for close to 25 years now, & I've not really had any tuning issues with them, but when I got the Tremol-no, it opened up a whole new world of options.
JamesL said:
Who drops tuning in the middle of a song???

Adrian Legg, but then again he doesn't use anything close to a floyd.  If you want an example of the changes in tuning watch this one for a bit.


A little more than just a d tuner, but a lot of fun.  It is very impressive to see him do this live while finger picking up a storm.
