
tune o matic/stoptail placement


Hero Member
I believe that the distance between the tune o matic and the tailpiece on warmoths is bigger than on gibsons.

1: who can confirm this too?
2: why?
I can confirm it.  I have not taken exact measurements, but a quick visual between my warmoth LP and my Gibson LP appears to be about 3/16 of an inch.

It sure is! it have brought it up a couple of times, but nobody else seems to notice it
see the examples I used in this topic - http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=663.msg4830#msg4830
based on those pictures it looks like there's more space between the bridge and the pickups - which is even more suprising. Probably effects the tone. I'd think a Gibson LP would be more treb-ly.
no, the distance between bridge and the pickup is the same, its really the tailstop. at least, on les pauls. but why? what I can confirm is that it plays a bit better it seems. easier bending. is this 'possible'? (with regards to just physics)?
Orpheo said:
no, the distance between bridge and the pickup is the same, its really the tailstop. at least, on les pauls. but why? what I can confirm is that it plays a bit better it seems. easier bending. is this 'possible'? (with regards to just physics)?

Yeah, it's possible, as it's breaking at a shallower angle over the saddles.  Seems like the effect would be very slight, though.
Orpheo said:
no, the distance between bridge and the pickup is the same,

doesn't look like it in the pictures Marko posted... but I guess I'll believe it since you own both kinds.
eh... since I know I'm not crazy, I decided to look into this some more... did a search on google for a large picture of a Gibson LP and I took a close up of my Warmoth LP. Turns out there is a pretty noticible difference in the distance between the bridge and pickup.


http://www.wfzr.net/warmoth/warmothlpspacing.jpg - my warmoth - - - large size pics
http://www.wfzr.net/warmoth/gibson58lpspacing.jpg - 58 gibson

Guys, Warmoth bodies are indeed at 25 1/2" scale like a Fender. Pickup and bridge placement will be slightly different than Gibbies. I've got two LPs and an SG. Put a conversion neck on, load them with Rio Grande BBQs and hold on tight.   :icon_thumright:
Since I'm gonna order soon a neck for LP body I have a question for the tune o matic/stoptail. I read recently that tune o matics are designed for 12 inch radius. Is that true? It's not extreme for me to order a 12 inch neck but I would prefer a 10 inch neck. What's your experience?
Kostas said:
Since I'm gonna order soon a neck for LP body I have a question for the tune o matic/stoptail. I read recently that tune o matics are designed for 12 inch radius. Is that true? It's not extreme for me to order a 12 inch neck but I would prefer a 10 inch neck. What's your experience?

works fine, no issues. even with the 10/16'' compound radius, it works like it should.

about the pickup placement.that might explain why I'm having problems with pinch harmonics on my warmoths. the pickup is not as close to the bridge as on gibsons!
its not just with the conversion necks, but also with the 25.5'' necks!

why didn't I notice this earlier  :sad1: makes me wonder if I should have another one, though... if the bridge is on a different spot than it has to be (or actually; the pickups!). kind-off a shame.
Gregg said:
Guys, Warmoth bodies are indeed at 25 1/2" scale like a Fender. Pickup and bridge placement will be slightly different than Gibbies. I've got two LPs and an SG. Put a conversion neck on, load them with Rio Grande BBQs and hold on tight.   :icon_thumright:

that the bridge will be on a different spot; ok. thats logical, but why the pickupplacement too? I'm seriously thinking of doing the pickuprouts myself, just to put it closer to the bridge. that the tailstop-bridge distance is bigger, no problem. but the pickup being on another place is, imho, a big downer.
I learnt how to rout (mis spelt?) for stuff on guitars today, So i cold make it just like a giiby if i wanted but wouldn't having the pup closer to the bridge give you a brighter sound marginally?

I was surprised how easy it is, routing pups for a guitar. My woodwork teacher at school has made heaps of guitar bodies and he showed, to the dismay of my class, how easy it was. I won't try in the near future though.
I dont have a router, and I dont intend on buying one! a les paul has a carved top, and I will just make due with this routing. It hasnt bothered me so far. I will just use a brighter-voiced pickup, the JB sounds great, the jazz sounds great, the BBQ/TX set sounds great, the motherbucker-set sounds great, so whats the fuss? just 1 louzy centimeter. perhaps less. sure, its not the way it should, but there's more 'meat' for the bridgestuds, and I havent heard ANYONE complain about a nasal, nozy sound on the bridge. everybody loves raymond. oh uhm.. Ken (warmoth).
I also have a little more trouble with pinch harmonics. They're not impossible but not as easy as on my other guitars. I definitely feel like there isn't as much treble as there should be, but I like the sound anyway. Kind of have to learn to live with it after spending $1800 on it.
GoDrex said:
I also have a little more trouble with pinch harmonics. They're not impossible but not as easy as on my other guitars. I definitely feel like there isn't as much treble as there should be, but I like the sound anyway. Kind of have to learn to live with it after spending $1800 on it.

agreed. thats why I'm gonna have either pickups that squeel like a madman (the rio grande BBQ pinches great though, same as the JB and the motherbucker). I have to think it through, what I'm gonna to. pickuprouting myself, or live with it and use ultra-squeeling pickups. I just have to learn to pinch again with these guitars (which makes me pinch even better, on all the others in the world!). and yeah, I miss the treble too. long live 1 mega ohm pots!
I wonder if all the gibson styles are set up like this. I wanted to build a hot rod explorer with a floyd rose and JB in the bridge position... but if the pick up is going to be far away from the bridge... maybe I'll have to make a strat in order for it to be right? I'm kind of afraid to order any of the gibson type shapes now. :tard: