hannaugh said:
I guess what I need to find is a good glossary of terminology, because I read stuff like this:
"The grid-leak resistors (in a cathode bias amp) are usually in the range of 220K - 470K. Oddly enough, the best-sounding value for the first stage was 120K. Surprising, since lower resistance here attenuates the signal somewhat. The specific frequency response overshadowed any signal loss. The second stage grid-leak resistor is a more typical 220K."
and what I see is this:
"Badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers, mushroom mushroom! badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers, snaaaaake snaaaaake, oooooh it's a snaaaaaake!"
You're about to get into the "Information overload".
For a first build I would recommend finding what amp you like the sound of the best, period, just find it. Then look for a kit or schematic to build it from. You are going to get so lost so fast you'll regret taking it on once you get started if you dig that deep into the design aspects of it.
Just find it and build it. Then, once it's up and running, play it for a while, decide what you would like to change about it, then start looking into how each component value affects the tone and feel of the amp. Tweak from there. :icon_thumright: