
tru oil


Okay i've read alot about tru oil, but i seem to get alot of different opinions. This is my first build and im doing a charvel san dimas build. I got a maple/maple pro neck 10-16 radius, thin profile, now do i have to do any sanding to these necks before a tru oil finish? I understand to apply thin coats? Should i tape off the frets? In between each coat, do i steel wool? I want a thin finish for that as close to raw feel as possible, but dont want to worry about warpage, so how many coats? Now, how would you buff it after the final coat? Instead of steel wool, what would you use? This guitar is gonna have a floyd rose and the nut is routed for it, so should i tape off that area? and do i tru oil the entire neck including the heel and back of the heel? Would that affect the fit in the neck pocket? Any other info would be great, thanks. Pics help.
if you have a maple board, don't tape anything off..or maybe just the nut/ nut routing.
you can scrape the oil of the frets when you are done... or just play it.:)

apply coats as thinly as possible, and steelwool it lightly in between coats..

I have applied a different number of coats on different necks. I did 20 on one, and 5 on another.. I would suggest to stop when it looks good to you :)
this is what I read before the first time I "did it":
