
tru oil finish on neck


Hero Member
I had tru oil put on my flame maple neck, but it seems to need a touch up. Should I sand it down a little & apply the tru oil or can I just apply it as it is?
What is the condition of the neck?

I would say 0000 her down, then reapply. No need for sandpaper.

And when I say "0000 her down," I just mean take the sheen off of the neck.
Paul-less said:
What is the condition of the neck?

I would say 0000 her down, then reapply. No need for sandpaper.

And when I say "0000 her down," I just mean take the sheen off of the neck.
Pronounced oooooh
ihavenothingprofoundtosay said:
Paul-less said:
I would say 0000 her down, then reapply. No need for sandpaper.

Four ought 'er?!?!, I 'ardly know 'er!   :icon_jokercolor:

+ 1 to that - it is possible to rub 0000 too hard, so take care not to scratch it.

If you're rubbing too hard, I believe you have an apology to make to one of your appendages.....