Tried & True Danish Oil


Junior Member
While looking up Watco Danish Oil on Amazon, they also listed Tried & True line of finishes, including stains and Danish oil.  Supposedly they are solvent and VOC free.

Does anybody have experience with them?
The neck of the guitar that I'm working on presently was originally a replacement neck on a stock fender strat, sourced from Musikraft (sorry if that's heresy in this forum :) ), it's finished with "the same oil fender uses". I have followed that up with the Tried and True product and been happy with the results so far. It's ingredients are boiled linseed and beeswax.

I've been happy with that so far, however I may yet make up my own neck finish from pure tung oil and beeswax.
I use Danish oil on my workbench. It helps keep the surface relatively clean, it's a penetrating finish, so it should harden within the wood rather than just on top. That said I can't really say it's very protective. I generally sand down my bench top and reapply a few coats every once in a while.
It is basically linseed oil with varnish. Usually 3 to 1.

What are you looking to get out of a finish?
I'd like to have a nice sheen to semi-gloss finish.  Scratch and dings don't bother me, but I would like some protection against spills.