Well, I got this thing built - photos will be forthcoming.
Here is where I confess the error of my ways. It's a non-Warmoth body, and the pesky bridge holes were drilled a tiny bit to the right of where they should have been, so the high E string is right on the edge of the fretboard above the 12th fret. Fixing it is kind of a non-starter, since I'd have to fill the holes, re-drill, refinish, yadda yadda. Not worth it for an 80-dollar body.
I got some Grover locking tuners, since they were nickel plated and I was shooting to use nickel as much as possible beside the stainless bridge - they're okay, but I like the schallers better.
Also, I managed to sand through the finish in a couple places. Working on repairing that.
As it happens, this was kind of the point - to learn some finishing and wiring techniques on a body I could afford to screw up. Ironically, the one screwup in the whole affair that I am not equal to fixing is not even my own. *sigh*
Good news among the frustrations learning opportunities:
I wired the pickups correctly! Ken's Roadhouse True Blue P90's sound AMAZING. Whatever happens to this body, the pickups are staying in my life. I'll try recording 'em for you all.
That's it for tonight...