So for the longest time I have been googly-eyeing the woodshop that we have within the art department here at school. I have tried time and time to get access to it, but as an engineering student the answer has always been no. Recently the tech in shop changed, and the new one is a super cool guy who finally said I could come in whenever I wanted. Bingo.
I packed up a bunch of stuff from home that I needed, and grabbed some wood I have been collected and here we are.
I actually have 2 of these going at the same time. 1 is a 1-piece pine body and another is a 2 piece walnut body with a zebrawood laminate up the middle. I wasn't really crazy about the zebrawood laminate, but it looks ok. It would have been a nicer body as just walnut, but I bought it a long time ago before I realized that you need to join wood to make body blanks, not just order wood that is only a few 1/16s of an inch bigger than you need.
I will post pictures of the pine one a little later on, because my camera has a terrible white-balance problem in the woodshop, and I haven't taken pictures of it yet with my cell phone. Tomorrows job is routing the walnut one to shape. The last picture shows off some of the figuring in the walnut body that the lighting in the wood shop just doesn't bring out.
Wow, super long post.
I packed up a bunch of stuff from home that I needed, and grabbed some wood I have been collected and here we are.
I actually have 2 of these going at the same time. 1 is a 1-piece pine body and another is a 2 piece walnut body with a zebrawood laminate up the middle. I wasn't really crazy about the zebrawood laminate, but it looks ok. It would have been a nicer body as just walnut, but I bought it a long time ago before I realized that you need to join wood to make body blanks, not just order wood that is only a few 1/16s of an inch bigger than you need.
I will post pictures of the pine one a little later on, because my camera has a terrible white-balance problem in the woodshop, and I haven't taken pictures of it yet with my cell phone. Tomorrows job is routing the walnut one to shape. The last picture shows off some of the figuring in the walnut body that the lighting in the wood shop just doesn't bring out.
Wow, super long post.